
Mukorob and Weissrand Escarpment


Mukorob, the Nama word for "Finger of God", was a prominent landmark in southern Namibia, near the village of Asab. The rock pinnacle consisted of an upper, top-heavy sandstone pillar some 12 m in height and weighing around 450 tons, which rested on a thin neck of soft mudstone, ca. 3 m tall and only 1.5 m wide. The fragile neck was supported by a broader mudstone base, the whole elaborate structure towering about 34 m above the surrounding plain. In December 1988 it collapsed owing to natural weathering, its final destruction possibly hastened by the repercussions of an earthquake occurring some 7500 km away in Armenia. Today, only the pedestal and part of the neck remain in their original position, while the debris of the head and most of the neck are scattered about the base.

Publication Title:

Source: Roadside Geology of Namibia

Geological Survey of Namibia
Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section
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