
Report: Earth Data Namibia - a milestone in information management at the Geological Survey of Namibia: background, data base design, features, further planning

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Earth Data Namibia (EDN) is a customized software, managing geological and related data held by the Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN). It is designed as a client-server-solution within the local area network of the GSN, both for internal use and as a tool to provide open-file mineral exploration data to the public. At present Earth Data Namibia contains spatial and factual data on mineral deposits and occurrences, exploration and mining licences, geological reports, maps and other printed material, as well as related topographic and topocadastral information (e.g. farms, roads), together with metadata of scanned archival documents. To store and manage this factual, geometrical and unstructured information EDN uses powerful software such as ORACLE, ARCVIEW and WINDOWS2000. It forms part of the GSN's strategy to standardize the process of data collection - mainly from exploration licence holders, but also from other sources (e.g. own and university research) - and to facilitate easy accessibility and recovery of information related to the natural resources of the country. The system design allows its future growth and the addition of other modules, such as a literature and borehole data base.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia

Geological Survey of Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article
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