
APP-003367: Subdivision of Erf RE/740, Keetmanshoop (Street) into Erf A/740 and Remainder; Permanent closure of Erf A/740, Keetmanshoop as a Street; Rezoning of Erf A/740 from Street to Institutional; Consolidation of Erven A/740 (Street), RE/741, 2002 and 2003, Keetmanshoop

Publication Year:

The environmental clearance certificate is for: Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure The construction of Public roads Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where it is a public road The Keetmanshoop Private School is currently operating on Erven RE/741, 2002 and 2003. The erven are situated next to one another along Twelfth street (Erf RE/740) in Keetmanshoop. Proposed Erf A/740, Keetmanshoop is currently leased by the Private School and used as parking and as a drop off area for the learners before and after school. This portion is additionally used by the learners, teachers, and staff members of the Private School to access the school hostel, offices and classrooms which are situated on Erven RE/741, 2002, and 2003, respectively. The school has built a pedestrian crossing to ease the movement on the street, but the general public has access to the street and use it to access other parts of the neighbourhood. This constitutes a safety hazard as many drivers have been noticed to drive recklessly which endangers the lives of the learners. In addition, the public use of the street has made it difficult for the school to monitor movements around the school premises and so ensure the safety of its learners and property. For this reason, it is proposed that the street (Erf A/740) be closed to the public and purchased by the proponent to form part of Keetmanshoop Private School property thus restricting use of the street for the school only. The proposed development will also allow the school to expand its classrooms in line with the building regulations of the Keetmanshoop Municipality. This expansion will take place on Erf 2003. No buildings will be constructed over Portion A/740 (street).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 30 December 2021

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