
APP-003319: Subdivision of Erf 815, Lüderitz into Erf A, B and Remainder; Permanent closure of Erf A/815, Lüderitz as a Public Open Space; and Consolidation of Erf A/815 and Erf 809, Lüderitz into Consolidated Erf X

Publication Year:

Activity 5.1 (d) The rezoning of land from -use for nature conservation or zoned open space to any other land use. The scope of this project is limited to obtaining an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the following: Subdivision of Erf 815, Lüderitz into Erf A, B and Remainder; Permanent closure of Erf A/815, Lüderitz as a Public Open Space; Consolidation of Erf A/815 and Erf 809, Lüderitz into Consolidated Erf X. Kairos Cottage, located on Erf 809, Lüderitz serves as a bed and breakfast and is currently encroaching over the boundary of Erf 815, Lüderitz which is a public open space area. The public open space (Erf 809) is not currently being used as a walkway by the public. The proponent intends to subdivide Erf 815 into three erven namely Erf A/815, B/815 and the RE/815. This will allow the permanent closure of a portion of the public open space, Erf A/815, to be consolidated with adjacent Erf 809. Erven B/815 and RE/815 will remain public open spaces.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 14 December 2021

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