
APP-003231: Upgrading to bitumen standards: DR 3403 Divundu - Bagani - Mohebo Border Post in Kavango East Region

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Road upgrading from a gravel road to a tar road (bitumen standards) The proposed project is located in the Kavango East Region in Northern Namibia. It involves the upgrading to bitumen standard of the District Road 3403 stretching from Divundu via Bagani and ending at Mohembo Border Post in the Kavango East Region in Northern Namibia. The District Road 3403 starts at the junction with TR8/4 in Divundu and follows a south easterly direction for 8km to Bagani. From Bagani the road follows a southerly direction towards the Mohembo border post between Namibia and Botswana. The road is approximately 32.3km long. The first 13.5km of the road is dust palliated/ low seal level tar road, meaning that the gravel road was surfaced with a light seal of a 13mm slurry seal. The remaining 18.8km is a gravel portion and was re-gravelled in 2013. Both sections will form part of the upgrade to bitumen standards. Please note: Location below is marked "Other", because this linear projects runs through various land uses such as: 1. Urban (Divundu) 2. Peri-urban (Bagani) 3. Rural (Kamutjonga) 4. Conservation area (Mahango Core area)

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 2 December 2021

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