
Integrated Management of Zambezi/Chobe River System - Tansboundary Fishery Resource, Namibia/Zambia/Botswana

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This Evaluation carried out in April-May 2009 was commissioned by WWF in Namibia to assess and review the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project. The Caprivi Region in Namibia borders on Botswana, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The fisheries project area, a system of floodplains and backwaters, includes the Chobe, Kwando/Linyanti and Zambezi rivers. Lake Liambezi, an important fishery in the 1970s and early 1980s, dried up in 1985. During this project the lake refilled, particularly in April 2009, and fishery activities are again taking place. The rivers are rich in fish species diversity (> 80 species). The annual flood cycle is the main stimulant for fish production. Species diversity and species composition differ in different habitats within the river-floodplain mosaic, as well as during the different flood periods. The Namibia Inland Fisheries Resources Act (Act No. 1 of 2003) and Regulations restrict effort by limiting number of nets, mesh sizes, net lengths, and damaging fishing methods. The shared nature of the transboundary fish resource is complex and conflict arises because of access and the method of fishing, and the high number of nets. The Fisheries Act in Zambia includes decentralisation of fisheries management through community involvement, and co-operation with neighbouring states in the management and development of shared fisheries. A third of the Caprivi floodplain households in Namibia depend primarily on the fishery, and fish are also important in the Zambian economy. Major stakeholders include households, vendors, potential local management structures such as fish associations, conservancies, etc., traditional authorities, sport fisherman and the tourism industry including Botswana, Namibia Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Zambia Department of Fisheries, WWF in Namibia, Namibia Nature Foundation.

Final Evaluation report
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