
APP-003232: Salt mining and processing operations on ML 37 in Walvis bay, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

Renewal Application: (The current ECC expires on 6 December 2021) Operations of the Walvis Bay Salt Works (WBSW) within Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd’s (WBSH) mining licence (ML 37). The WBSW was established in 1964 and is one of the largest solar evaporation facilities in Africa, processing seawater to produce approximately 1 million tons (mt) of high-quality crude salt (NaCl) per annum. Salt is transported by truck from the plant to the Walvis Bay harbour for export. The Salt Works consists of three operating companies, namely Salt and Chemicals (Pty) Ltd; Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd; and Ekango Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd, which are all subsidiary companies of WBSH. Salt and Chemicals is the mining operation, producing the raw salt whilst Walvis Bay Salt Refiners further processes and markets the salt. Ekango Salt produces refined table salt. The WBSW within ML 37, is located south west of Walvis Bay, in the central coastal area of Namibia, Erongo Region.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 23 November 2021

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