
Integrated co-management of the Zambezi/Chobe River Fisheries Resources Project. Project proposal: Phase 2 January 2010 โ€“ December 2012


The Project Purpose of the first phase of this project, "to implement alternative community fishery management practices contributing to a fully integrated management system for subsistence, semi-commercial, and sport fisheries" was an ambitious target for a project facing considerable challenges, most notably rapid commercialisation of the fishery as a result of greatly improved road communications. This facilitated marketing of the catch in urban areas and resulted in rapid and continued depletion of the fish resources. In the context of the proposed second phase, Output 3 from the first phase is key to the entire success of the project, i.e. "Support the emergence of local level community fishery groups that assume management responsibility for fisheries in their areas". Phase 1 made considerable progress. If it proves possible to continue with this progress in a second phase, this project has the potential to become a model for all Zambezi River fisheries. Because of progress made, the Evaluation Report recommended a second phase in which emphasis is to further develop the structures necessary to introduce effective community fishery management practices and facilitate the needed capacity building for co-management.

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FD 2.1 project proposal.pdf 1.21 MB