
Recommendations for modifications to the Inland Fisheries Resources Act, 2003 and associated regulations, October 2011

Publication Year:

As discussed in the reports of Phase 1 of the MFMR/NNF/WWF Zambezi/Chobe Fisheries Project, and elaborated in the project document for Phase 2, the Inland Fisheries Resources Act and associated regulations need minor revision. This revision aims to strengthen the capacity of Caprivian fishing communities, particularly established and emerging conservancies, to take on management roles in the fisheries, as mandated under national government policy to empower communities in management of natural resources. The Act was formulated before conservancies became major entities in the fisheries areas, and thus there is a need for the acts pertaining to fisheries and to conservancies to be harmonised so that they work closely together. Successful harmonisation will facilitate the role of the MFMR in providing guidance to fishing communities in establishing management systems for each fishery area to ensure optimal utilisation of the fish stocks in each area. This Field Document reflects the contribution of the project towards the establishment of a revised Act and regulations that recognise the importance of the conservancies, and that empower the communities to develop local bye-laws for the widely divergent fisheries that occur in Caprivi. These range from major river fisheries for valuable cichlid fish species that need careful management and prohibition of destructive fishing gears, through lagoons and lakes with diverse fish communities that can be harvested by a variety of methods, to intermittent shallow floodplains occupied by highly prolific, small pioneer fish species that can be harvested intensively using fine-meshed nets whenever they are present.

Series Title:
Integrated co-management of the Zambezi/Chobe River Fisheries Resources Project
Field Document
Item Type: