
North West conservation official and a businessman arrested for illegally dealing in rhino horn

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Pretoria -  An official from the North West department of economic development, environment, conservation and tourism (Dedect) has been arrested in connection with illegal rhino horn trade, the national department of forestry, fisheries and the environment has confirmed. The official and the owner of a security company were arrested yesterday in relation to alleged contraventions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, the rhino norms and standards and contravention of permit conditions. "The men were arrested and a vehicle seized by a multi-departmental team comprising members of the department’s Green Scorpions, working in collaboration with the Hawks, the Dedect and the Northern Cape department of environment and nature conservation," said spokesperson Albi Modise. The suspects are alleged to have conveyed 17 individual detached rhino horns from the Northern Cape to North West in contravention of permit conditions issued by both provinces.

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