
10 more arrested for wildlife crimes in July

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At Sangwali, a Namibian was arrested on 6 July for being in possession of one impala carcass. Oscar Munyandi was charged with illegal hunting of special protected species. In another matter, a Namibian, Simuna Kankona, was arrested on 12 July with two python skins, and charged for the illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products. On 13 July, Mathews Hamusira, a Namibian citizen, was arrested at Rundu for being in possession of a pangolin skin. He was charged for the illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products and catching and/or capturing of wildlife game. Meanwhile, in a separate incident at Katima Mulilo, a Zambian national was arrested with four elephant tusks on 15 July and charged with the illegal possession of controlled wildlife products.

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Namibian Sun
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