
APP-002757: Construction and commissioning of an Eco-friendly Seawater Desalination Plant at Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No. 133 in Henties Bay, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

Namib Eden Trading CC indents to construct and commission an eco-friendly seawater desalination plant at Farm Hentiesbaai No. 133 at Henties Bay in Erongo Region. The proponent has been conditionally granted approval by the Henties Bay Council (Resolution No. CR/010/31/01/2018) to lease a portion in extend of approximatily 240 hectares of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No. 133 by private treaty to construct and commission an eco-friendly seawater desalination plant. The proponent needs an Environmental Clearance Certificate for them to commence with the proposed activity.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 7 July 2021

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