
State and trends of the Namibian Bush Biomass Sector 2019 - Based on an inclusive survey in line with the DAS indicator framework

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The report summarizes the findings of a sector-wide survey of the Namibian bush biomass sector in line with a sector M and E framework developed by the De-bushing Advisory Service (DAS) in order to estimate the current state and extent of bush control and biomass utilization (BCBU) and related value chains, revenue streams and employment figures at the national level. The Namibian bush biomass sector is a growing sector and has the potential to significantly contribute to the national economy through the establishment and strengthening of both domestic and international value chains and corresponding employment creation. The availability of reliable sector data is essential to appreciate the importance of the sector and its development over time and, importantly, to forecast and shape the future sector development. Systematic sector data allows for evidence-based decision-making in order to tailor sector support policies, interventions and instruments to maximize the benefits for Namibian land users on both commercial and communal farmlands and the Namibian economy at large.

De-bushing Advisory Service (DAS)
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