
APP-002307: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Cetificate for quarry activity at Claim 67547 (Nebiru Gold) for Damara Granite (Pty) Ltd, Omaruru District, Erongo Region

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The Environmental Clearance Cetificate renewal is for: Continuation of an existing mining activity, for which an Environmental Clearance was obtained during April 2018, which requires authorisation in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act (No. 33 of 1992). 2. Details of the Activity(s) covered by the Environmental Clearance Cetificate: 2.1 Title of the Activity - Continuation of the mining (quarrying) for mineral dimension stone (i.e. granite). Location of Activity - Mining Claim 67547 (Nebiru Gold) is located 15km north-west of Okombahe, situated within the Omaruru Magistrate District, Daures Constituency, in the Erongo Region. 2.3 Nature of Activity - The activities undertaken are mining (quarrying) of pegmatite granites, which is a natural stone or rock that has been selected based on its colour, texture, pattern and surface finish, as per the marker demand. A pegmatite is a holocrystalline, intrusive igneous rock composed of interlocking phaneritic crystals usually larger than 2.5 cm in size; such rocks are referred to aspegmatitic. Most pegmatites are composed of quartz, feldspar and mica, having a similar basic composition as granite. 2.4 Scale and Scope of the Activity - The particular Claim has been lying dormant since March 2013 when the mentioned claim was transferred from Libris Investment cc to Damara Granite (PTY) Ltd. Since July 2016, when the Clearance Certificate was issued, there were no mining activities. The mining claim is still within a dormant state. Mining Claim 67547 provides for a mining quarry, a site office, a reject waste area, a scrap yard (scrap machinery/metal), a work shed for the general servicing of plant and machinery, and staff accommodation in the form of sleeping quarters and ablution facilities. The current quarry (mining area) is 4,252m² in extent, inclusive of the rock-waste dump site and temporary storage area.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 25 February 2021

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