
APP-002233: Rezoning of Erf 688 from Public Open Space to Business in Extension 1 of Ndama in Rundu, Kavango West Region

Publication Year:

Erf 688 in Extension 1 of Ndama in Rundu has been proposed for rezoning from being a public open space to business for the purpose of developing a shopping centre. Planet Rose Properties proposes to subdivide the erf into two parts, where Portion A (±4 800 m²) will be developed as a business area. The remainder of the erf, approximately 900 m², in size will remain Public Open Space (see proposed site layout in the Background Information Document (BID)). During construction phase, certain areas of the project site will be levelled in order to setup the site infrastructure. Clearing and removal of existing vegetation, soil excavation will be required and potential pollution from heavy construction equipment. Temporary employment opportunities for about 50 to 100 people will be created. Once the business area becomes operational, long-term employment opportunities will be created. Parking will be accommodated within Portion A accessed by a private internal road.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 17 February 2021

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