
Boere steier onder misdaad - Miljoene se vee, wild in 2020 gesteel

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Sedert die begin van die jaar het boere in die Kalkfeld-, Omitara-, Witvlei- en Steinhausen-omgewing ’n gesamentlike verlies van meer as N$3,35 miljoen aan die diefstal van vee, wild en infrastruktuur gely. Die afgelope drie maande was die bloedigste en diewe het hier eiendom ter waarde van bykans N$1,1 miljoen weggedra. Sedert die begin van die jaar tot November, is in die Omitara-, Witvlei- en Steinhausen-omgewing verliese van meer as N$1,65 miljoen weens diefstal by die Nossob Misdaadvoorkomingsforum (NCPF) aangemeld. Die forum, wat noukeurig sedert sy ontstaan verlede jaar hiervan boekhou, se data toon dat dit ’n verlies van N$702 750 aan klein- en grootvee insluit, N$691 260 aan wild asook N$258 000 aan infrastruktuur, soos byvoorbeeld dompel- of sonpompe.

Since the beginning of the year, farmers in the Kalkfeld, Omitara, Witvlei and Steinhausen area have suffered a combined loss of more than N $ 3.35 million from the theft of livestock, game and infrastructure. The past three months have been the bloodiest and thieves have carried away property worth almost N $ 1.1 million. From the beginning of the year to November, losses of more than N $ 1.65 million due to theft were reported to the Nossob Crime Prevention Forum (NCPF) in the Omitara, Witvlei and Steinhausen area. The forum, which has been keeping a close eye on the forum since its inception last year, shows that it includes a loss of N $ 702 750 on small and large stock, N $ 691 260 on game and N $ 258 000 on infrastructure, such as submersible or solar pumps.

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