
APP-002189: Subdivision, closure and rezoning of a portion of Erf 5238 Walvis Bay Extension 14 to legalize and entrench an electrical switching station originally built in 1963

Publication Year:

The subdivision, closure and rezoning of a 360m² portion of Erf 5238 Walvis Bay Extension 14 (126,133m²) from "Public Open Space" to "Utility Services" to legalize and entrench the continued existence of an electrical switching station originally built in 1963. A "Utility Services" zoning permits the development of land for the provision of services (other than those provided by the Council) and includes communication towers and electrical substations and other similar facilities that are uninhabited. No construction is proposed – the existing switching station was built in 1963.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 23 December 2020

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