
APP-001885: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the continuation of an operation of a  Broadcasting Base Station on Erf 4443, Extension 12, Walvis Bay 2-5763, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

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The Environmental Clearance Certificate Renewal is for: Activity 10.1 (g) Infrastructure. – Communication networks including towers, telecommunication and marine telecommunication lines and cables. Activity 10.1 (j) Infrastructure. – Masts of any material or type and of any height, including those used for telecommunication broadcasting and radio transmission. 2. Details of the Activity(s) covered by the Environmental Clearance Certificate: 2.1 Title of the Activity: Operation of a Broadcasting Base Station on Erf 4443, Extension 12, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region. Location of Activity: The Broadcasting Base Station is located on Erf 4443, Ext 12, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region. 2.3 Nature of Activity: The activities undertaken at Erf 443, Ext 12 Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay were the operation of the MultiChoice Broadcasting Base Station, which was completed on 15 December 2013. The Broadcasting Base Station entails a transmission tower structure as well as the associated base transceiver station within the footprint of the ECC holder`s BTS site; shared by Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. (MTC). The transmission tower improves the capacity and coverage of quality transmission services to the affected areas in Walvis Bay. MultiChoice and Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. (MTC) share the infrastructure, as encouraged by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia and the Walvis Bay Municipal Council (Policy for the Erection of Telecommunications Facilities in Walvis Bay). 2.4 Scale and Scope of the Activity: The Construction and Operation of the Broadcasting Base Station (55m high monopole tower structure, two satellite dishes and antennae system) at Erf 4443, Ext 12, Walvis Bay is for the purpose of television broadcasting as well as transmission of radio frequency signals. The BBS was done in accordance with the set requirements. The Erf 4443, Walvis Bay is owned by Hallie Investments Number One Hundred and Two cc. Permission to has been granted by the owner to MultiChoice.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 21 October 2020

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