
Ligte strawwe vir wildmisdadigers

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Vier wildmisdadigers het ligte vonnisse in Namibiese howe gekry. ‘n Angolees John Emmanuel, ‘n Rwandese burger, Theogen Nkuruziza, en Namibiër Vilho Mwahafa is op 10 Desember 2018 met ‘n lewende ietermagô in hul besit op Otjiwarongo in hegtenis geneem. Die drie is skuldig bevind en op 21 September elk gevonnis tot ‘n boete van N$8 000 of 28 maande tronkstraf waarvan 1 jaar vir 60 maande opgeskort is. Hul Angolese medebeskuldigde, mnr. Albino Shipipes, is vrygespreek. Ietermagogs is die mees gesmokkelde soogdier ter wêreld.

Four game criminals received light sentences in Namibian courts. An Angolan John Emmanuel, a Rwandan citizen, Theogen Nkuruziza, and Namibian Vilho Mwahafa were arrested on 10 December 2018 with a live food maggot in their possession on Otjiwarongo. The three were convicted and each sentenced on September 21 to a fine of N $ 8,000 or 28 months imprisonment of which 1 year was suspended for 60 months. Pangolins are the most smuggled mammal in the world.

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