
The reproductive pattern of the Gerbilliscus cf. leucogaster (Rodentia: Muridae) from Namibia

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Very little is known about the reproductive biology of the Gerbilliscus cf. leucogaster (Peters, 1852) despite its wide distribution throughout the southern African subregion. Body mass, reproductive tract morphometrics, and gonadal histology were studied over 12 months in wild caught Gerbilliscus cf. leucogaster from the central part of Namibia to gain insights into the reproductive pattern of this species. The number of Graafian follicles and corpora lutea in 93 females increased at the end of the dry period (September) and throughout the wet months of the year (October–May) relative to that of the dry season (June–August). Pregnant and lactating females were recorded during the wet months of the year, with a peak observed during February. Testicular mass relative to body mass, testicular volume, and seminiferous tubule diameter in 64% of males increased significantly during the rainfall period (October–June). In addition, 8% of males exhibited little spermatogenesis and 28% showed no spermatogenesis or presence of sperm in the epididymis during the dry period (June–August). These findings suggest that the Gerbilliscus cf. leucogaster breeds predominantly during the rainfall period in Namibia when the food resources are more abundant.

Publication Title:

Canadian Journal of Zoology

Item Type:
Journal Article