
APP-001808: Subdivision and Rezoning of the Remainder of Farm Ongwediva Town and Townlands No. 881 and creation of road

Publication Year:

The environmental clearance certificate is for: - Activity10.1 (b) (Infrastructure) The construction of - Public roads. - Activity 10.2 (a) (Infrastructure) The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where - it is a public road. Curro Education Namibia (Pty) Ltd has successfully developed and manages the Windhoek Gymnasium School. Curro Education Namibia (Pty) Ltd is now desirous to develop a private school in Ongwediva in the Oshana Region. As such the Ongwediva Town Council was approached to avail land to the firm for the development of the school on an undeveloped section of townlands within Ongwediva. The school intends to open in 2022 and as such the necessary statutory steps need to be undertaken for the school to obtain ownership of the land on which it is to be developed. Approval from the Ongwediva Town Council for the development has been applied for in June 2020. Portion A and B is to be created from the subdivision of the Remainder of Farm Ongwediva Town and Townlands No. 881 (Figure 7). The proposed Portions will measure approximately 6.91 ha and 0,35 ha in extent respectively. According to the Ongwediva Town Planning Amendment Scheme No. 8 Proposed Portions A and B are zoned "Undetermined". Portion A of the Remainder of Farm Ongwediva Town and Townlands No. 881 will be rezoned from “Undetermined” to “Institutional” for the development of a Place of Instruction (Private School). Due to the potential increase in traffic that is generated with the development of a school it has been determined that an additional street be developed to allow for good traffic connectivity and accessibility. As such an additional street link is provided within the development along the common border of the residential properties located within Omatando Proper. This allows for improved accessibility to the school from Omatando and also additionally creates a street reserve which can be used for stormwater management and municipal service delivery. Portion B of the Remainder of Farm Ongwediva Town and Townlands No. 881 is thus to be reserved as a "Street", serving as an access to the proposed school.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 22 September 2020

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