
APP-001532: The development of the Driefontein Safari Lodge in the Torra Conservancy, Kunene Region, Namibia

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The development of the Driefontein Safari Lodge in the Torra Conservancy, Kunene Region, Namibia. Listed activities triggered by the project include: - Energy generation, transmission anad storage activities (1) The construction of facilities for – (b) The transmission and supply of electricity − Waste management, treatment, handling and disposal activities 2.1) The construction of waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste 2.3) The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage or export of waste - Tourism development activities (6) The construction of resorts, lodges, hotels or other tourism and hospitality facilities - Water resource developments 8.1) The abstraction of groundwater and surface water industrial or commercial purposes 8.6) Construction of industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants and related pipeline system Nature of Activity: The planned project is for the development of the Driefontein Safari Lodge in the Torra conservancy, Kunene Region, which will provide luxury accommodation in the Kunene region for upmarket travelers while uplifting the community with extra income and hospitality training. The planned development entails the construction of tourist accommodation, consisting of the following: 30 room luxury lodge, tented camp and camping site in the area; Powerline to import electricity; Water pipeline to supply water from boreholes and Water storage tanks.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 13 September 2020

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