
Okakarara CBO Wildlife Species Presence Study

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In 2017, the Cheetah Conservation Fund partnered with the Nedbank, Go Green Initiative and the Namibian Nature Foundation in a three year grant to determine the density and humancarnivore conflict areas for cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and other key large carnivores across the Greater Waterberg Landscape (GWL) in north central Namibia. The GWL covers approximately 19 200km 2 and comprises of freehold farms (Waterberg Conservancy), the Waterberg Plateau National Park and four communal conservancies (African Wild Dog, Okamatapati, Otjituuo and Ozonahi) (see Figure 1). The aim of the research was to use remote camera traps and questionnaire surveys to provide baseline data on wildlife presence in the area and determine large carnivore presence and across the GWL. In addition, the project was to establish if the land use type and/or other environmental variables are influencing carnivore densities in the region. The project further aimed to quantify the level and spatial distribution of human-carnivore conflict that takes place across the GWL.

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