
APP-001387: Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the Timbila Eco-Tourism Lodge and related activities on the Farm Ozondjisse No. 55 and Farm Oseraomewa No. 54 and Farm Heidehof No. 52, located within the Erongo region

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The Environmental Clearance Certificate is for: Activity 1(A) Energy generation. transmission and storage activities. The construction of facilities for the generation of electricity (solar). Activity 1(B) Energy generation. transmission and storage activities.The construction of the transmission and supply of electricity. Activity 2.3 Waste management, treatment, handling and disposal activities. Temporary storage of waste. Activity 4 Forestry activities. Removal of protected species. Activity 5.1(d) Land use and development activities. Use for nature conservation. Activity 6 Tourism developmnet activities. The construction of a Lodge. Activity 8.1 Water resource developments. The abstruction of ground water. Activity 8.6 Water resource  developments. Construction of domestic wastewater treatment plant and related pipeline activities. Activity 9.4 Hazardous substance treatment, handling and storage. Storage of hazardous substances (petrol and diesel). Activity 10.1 Infrastructure. Construction of road (unproclaimed) for use by tourists (public) visiting tourism facilities. Activity 11 Other activities. Construction of camping sites. Title of Activity: Timbila Eco-Tourism Lodge. Nature of Activity: Construction of a lodge and tented camp, with supporting amenities, as well as various infrastructures (i.e. a grid-tied PV Solar System and small-scale domestic wastewater treatment plant). The Farms will in conjuction with the facilities be used for eco-tourism and research, which will be done by N/a'ankusê Conservation. Locality of Activity: Farm Ozondjisse No. 55 and Farm OseraOmewa No.54 and Farm Heidehof No. 52, are located within the Erongo Region. Scale and scope of Activity: The Timbila Lodge will comprise of 8 tourism accommodation units with other hospitality facilities such as a bar, restaurant and spa.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 5 June 2020

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