
APP-001212: Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) Renewal for Mining Activities on the Mining Claims No. 68463 to 68472 near Ruacana in the Omusati Region

Publication Year:

Operational phase: The Mining Activities on the Mining Claims No. 68463 to 68472 near Ruacana in the Omusati Region (SLS Crushers or hereinafter referred to as The Proponent) intends to continue with their aggregate mining operations on the currently active part of one of the ten mining claims near Ruacana in the Omusati Region. The mining claims are reported to be covering parts of the Omusati and Kunene Regions with the current mining site/activities located in the Omusati Region part only).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 5 April 2020

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