Flechtengesellschaften der Namibwüste
Five new lichen associations are described on the basis of the Braun-Blanquet method, four of which, Caloplacetum elegantissimae, ertusarietum pseudomelanosporae, Lecanoretum substylosae and Lecanoro panis-erucae-Roccelletum montagnei occur on siliceous rocks. In suitable habitats, the associations are found in a zonation pattern according to a fog moisture gradient. With the exception of the Lecanoro panis-erucae-Roccelletum montagnei, which is characterized by several fruticose species, the associations are dominated by crustose species or by foliose species reminiscent of placodioid crustose lichens. The well known lichen fields with Teloschistes capensis are assigned to the Teloschistetum capensis ass. nova which is documented by relevés for the first time. The gypsum-inhabiting Lecidelletum crystallinae is documented with further relevés.
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