
Biotope assessment for Areva Resources Namibia's Trekkopje Mine in the central Namib Desert

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As a first step towards a biodiversity strategy, Areva Resources Namibia commissioned a biotope assessment at the end of the rainy season in 2009 (April/May). A biotope assessment is based on ecologically rated mapping units and provides a means of (1) guiding environmental impact management by identifying areas that require special attention, if these are impacted by the mine's activities and (2) measuring and reporting on biodiversity impacts. Landforms and dominant plants were used as the key features for outlining biotopes. Eleven biotopes were mapped in the Trekkopje licence area. Based on plant endemism as the key indicator for rating biotopes in three categories (general, rare and critical), four biotopes received the highest biodiversity rating ("critical"), covering nearly 40 % of the licence area. This is largely a reflection of the central Namib's importance for plant endemism. To date 4.5 % of the licence area has been disturbed by mining and exploration activities and associated infrastructure, nearly equally affecting "critical" and "rare" biotopes.

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