
Devil's Claw Value Chain Analysis: Final Report, August 2012

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Through mapping and analysing natural product value chains it is possible to identify constraints, upgrading opportunities, new routes to market and knowledge gaps. Supply chain diagrams aid the analysis by providing a visual representation of the flow of product and information, and the relationships that exist between actors. This value chain analysis focuses on products from Harpagophytum procumbens and H. zeyheri from Namibia and will identify and map the key processes, actors, roles and responsibilities in the supply chain. Where possible, recommendations will be made to further develop the value chain of Devil's Claw, with the aim to increase efficiency, product quality, and market size. The report considers the general trade of Devil's Claw in Namibia and is not specific to the MCA Indigenous Natural Products (INP) Primary Producer Organisations (PPO) Sub-Activity. However, several examples of PPO activities are given as it provides concrete examples of processes and practices within Namibia where details are accessible.

Millennium Challenge Account Namibia
Final Report
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