
Proceedings of the workshop to develop a strategy for the promotion of indigenous fruits in Namibia, 17 and 18 April 2000

Publication Year:

The Promotion of Indigenous Fruit workshop was requested by the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, Hon. Helmut Angula MP, "to develop a co-ordinated approach and strategy for the implementation of an economically sustainable promotion of indigenous fruits in Namibia". The workshop was called by the Directorate of Agricultural Research and Training (with the Namibian Agronomic Board as management agents and CRIAA SA-DC as facilitators) and was attended by about 40 participants from Government, academic institutions, NGOs and donor organisations. The workshop programme is attached as Appendix 1. A list of participants is attached as Appendix 2. A Background Document and short questionnaire were circulated with the workshop invitations. Stakeholders were asked to provide input on past, current and planned activities related to PIF. Interviews and consultations were conducted with selected stakeholders. The data gathered was combined with information from published and grey literature to synthesise a Summary of Information on Indigenous Fruit in Namibia, which was circulated to participants before the workshop (additional copies of the Background Document and Summary of Information are available from CRIAA SA-DC on request). The information was presented to and discussed by the workshop during an interactive session.

Conference name:
Workshop to develop a strategy for the promotion of indigenous fruits in Namibia, 17 and 18 April 2000
Item Type:
Conference Paper