
Pearl Millet Production System(s) in the Communal Areas of Northern Namibia: Priority Research Foci Arising from a Diagnostic Study

Publication Year:

Pearl millet is the major crop in northern Namibia where 60% of the population live. Although agricultural research was conducted in these areas during the preindependence period, the first study to obtain baseline information was conducted in 1993. The study confirmed the predominance of pearl millet in northern Namibia, with an average sown area per household of 3.5 ha. The farmers identify short duration as the most preferred varietal trait above grain yield, and research needs to be targeted in line with the farmers' preferences. Drought was identified as the major constraint on pearl millet production followed by lack of draft power. Farmers do recognize the importance of a good crop stand, early thinning, and weeding. The use of manure is widespread while the use of chemical fertilizer is very limited. Research priorities identified in the study include the development of droughtalleviating technologies, development of pearl millet cultivars that meet the farmers' preference, and improvement of soil fertility and crop management strategies.

Publication Title:

Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa

Conference name:
SADC/ICRISAT Regional Sorghum and Pearl Millet Workshop, 25-29 July 1994
Gaborone, Botswana
Item Type:
Conference Paper