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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 51 - 62 of 62
Thursday, 4 June 2020
Smit E 2020. Groupies form human shield around 'prophet' Babi.

Followers of self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi yesterday formed a human shield around him during his latest appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court. Babi (30) left the court surrounded by his supporters, who pushed reporters away and grabbed cameras to prevent photos being taken of him. Although the matter was set down for a bail application yesterday, the defence decided to apply for bail at a later stage.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F, Steffen F 2020. Wilderern wird Kaution verweigert.

Prophet Babi und Mitbeschuldigte Teil eines größeren Wilderei-Syndikats. Kurz bevor der aufsehenerregende "Prophet Babi" und der mitbeschuldigte Dumeni dem Haftrichter vorgeführt werden, werden neue Wilderei-Fälle bekannt, in die Babi ebenfalls verstrickt sein soll. Die Kaution wird ihm verweigert und am Montag muss er wieder vor den Kadi.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Boyle L 2020. Confront illegal wildlife trafficking with international criminal laws, former global trade chief says.

The former head of the global convention on international wildlife trade says that current rules surrounding legitimate enterprise “don’t cut it” to prevent future pandemics and that wildlife crime should be confronted with the same international legal force that tackles human trafficking and terrorism. John Scanlon served as Secretary-General of the Secretariat overseeing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) from 2010 until 2018. CITES is affiliated with the United Nations Environment Programme…

Wednesday, 3 June 2020
2020. Geen borgtog vir Babi en kie.

Die selfverklaarde profeet, pastoor Jackson Babi (30), bly in aanhouding en moet boonop volgende Maandag in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 'n klag van renosterstropery verskyn. Babi het vanoggend saam met sy medebeskuldigde, mnr. Frizans Dumeni, verskyn, maar hul borgtogaansoek het 'n wending geneem toe staatsaanklaer Rowan van Wyk gesê het dat Babi op Maandag 8 Junie in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 'n klag van die onwettige jag van spesiaal beskermde wild ('n renoster) moet verskyn.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
2020. Wild- en veediewe teiken Omaruru-boere.

Omaruru se boere loop deur onder wild- en veediewe.

Omaruru's farmers targeted by wildlife and livestock thieves.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
2020. Elf vas oor 'renosterstropery'.

Altesaam elf verdagtes is verlede week in verband met renosterstropery of -horingsmokkelary vasgetrek.

A total of eleven suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or horn smuggling last week.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Menges W 2020. Preacher gets date for bail hearing.

A Windhoek-based preacher who was last week arrested after two rhino horns were allegedly found at his house is due to apply for bail in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court tomorrow.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Nguyen H 2020. Man gets five years in Hanoi for transporting rhino horns from Africa.

The Hanoi People’s Court sentenced a man to five years in prison on Monday for trafficking rhino horns from Angola to Vietnam. Nguyen Van Pho, 31, was charged with "illegally transporting rare and endangered animals" after arriving in Noi Bai International Airport from Bangkok on November 7, 2019, with the horns. When airport security personnel checked his baggage, they found a package wrapped in tin foil with two black rhino horns which weighed 1.9kg inside.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 'Only God can judge him'.

Preacher Babi stands accused of illegally being in possession of two rhino horns, a firearm and ammunition.

Monday, 1 June 2020
2020. Twee 'renosterstropers' verskyn in Gobabis-hof.

Mnre. Alberto Mbwale en Joseph Matheus het op klagte van die onwettige jag van spesiaal beskermde wild ('n renoster) en geldwassery verskyn.

Messrs. Alberto Mbwale and Joseph Matheus appeared on charges of illegal hunting of specially protected wildlife (a rhino) and money laundering.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Pastoor Babi steeds agter tralies.

Pastoor Jackson Babi (30) van die House of Joy Ministries en sy medebeskuldigde, mnr. Friza Dumeni (25), bly steeds agter tralies. Landdros Linus Samunzela het vanoggend tydens die twee beskuldigdes se vlugtige verskyning in die Windhoek-landdroshof hul saak in verband met renosterstropery, -horingsmokkelary en die onwettige besit van 'n vuurwapen en ammunisie tot Woensdag uitgestel. Hulle sal dan vir borgtog aansoek doen.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Mwenda M 2020. In the midst of coronavirus poachers seize the chance to kill rhinos in Africa.

Poachers in Africa are encroaching on wildlife and killing rhinos in travel hotspots now devoid of visitors due to the coronavirus pandemic. Tourism revenue for some of Africa’s wildlife reserves and national parks has declined sharply as a result of the coronavirus crisis.