
Geen borgtog vir Babi en kie

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Die selfverklaarde profeet, pastoor Jackson Babi (30), bly in aanhouding en moet boonop volgende Maandag in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 'n klag van renosterstropery verskyn. Babi het vanoggend saam met sy medebeskuldigde, mnr. Frizans Dumeni, verskyn, maar hul borgtogaansoek het 'n wending geneem toe staatsaanklaer Rowan van Wyk gesê het dat Babi op Maandag 8 Junie in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 'n klag van die onwettige jag van spesiaal beskermde wild ('n renoster) moet verskyn.

The self-proclaimed prophet, Pastor Jackson Babi, 30, remains in custody and is due to appear in the Gobabis Magistrate's Court next Monday on a charge of rhino poaching. Babi this morning with his co-accused, Mr. Frizans Dumeni, appeared, but their bail application took a turn when state prosecutor Rowan van Wyk said that Babi should appear in the Gobabis Magistrate's Court on Monday on a charge of illegal hunting of specially protected wildlife (a rhino).

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