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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 66
Thursday, 1 August 2024
Smit E 2024. Spike in pangolin poaching.

Pangolins continue to rank second behind rhinos among the wildlife most targeted by poachers in Namibia in terms of the number of cases registered in 2023. Last year, 60 wildlife crime cases were registered for pangolins and 90 cases for rhinos. In 2022, 36 pangolin cases were registeres.

Thursday, 4 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Over 1 300 arrested for wildlife crimes in two years.

The wildlife crime cases over the last two years have mostly involved antelopes, pangolins, small mammals, rhinos and elephants.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Smit E 2024. Illegaler Handel mit Wildtieren "bleibt Immens".

Trotz Bemühungen um Eindämmung des Handels mit bedrohten Tierarten wie Elefanten geht der illegale Handel mit Wildtieren weltweit unvermindert weiter. Dies geht aus dem einem Bericht des Büros der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung (UNODC) hervor, der eine Bestandsaufnahme der weltweiten Anti-Wilderei- Maßnahmen enthält.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024
Smit E 2024. Illegal wildlife trade 'remains immense' - UN.

Despite progress to curtail the trafficking of iconic species such as elephants, illegal wildlife trafficking continues unabated on a global scale. This is according to the 2024 World Wildlife Crime Report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which takes stock of efforts to counter poaching worldwide. The report highlights that wildlife trafficking has not seen a significant enough decrease over the past two decades, prompting a call for enhanced enforcement of existing laws, including measures to combat corruption.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Smit E 2023. Pangolin trafficking arrests surge.

There has been an increase in the number of arrests made in crimes related to pangolin trafficking between 1 September and 30 November. According to environment ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda, 18 pangolin skins, 12 live pangolins and 146 scales were confiscated, resulting in 23 registered cases and 38 suspects being arrested. "These numbers surpass that of elephant and rhino arrests combined for this period."

Sunday, 17 December 2023
Smit E 2023. Organised crime low in Namibia - Report.

Namibia's average criminal market score was 4.1, an increase of 0.2 since 2021. The country scored 3.5 on human trafficking and 4.5 in arms trafficking. For flora crimes, Namibia scored 6.5, and for fauna crimes - which would include rhino poaching and the linked trade in horns - it scored 4.5.

Thursday, 27 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Special wildlife crime courts highly effective.

Assets and goods seized and forfeited to the state during the finalisation of wildlife crime cases at special courts last year were valued at more than N$4 million. The seized items included illegal wildlife products, firearms and vehicles used in wildlife crimes. According to the Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement Report in Namibia, the judicial system faces a range of challenges in dealing with high rates of crime and ensuring justice is served; a central hurdle is a growing backlog of cases on the court rolls. "This has…

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Schuppentier-DNA soll illegalen Handel aufdecken.

Momentan werden DNA-Daten von Schuppentieren in Namibia gesammelt, die dabei helfen sollen, geschmuggelte Schuppentiere aufzuspüren und das Ausmaß des internationalen, illegalen Handels festzustellen.

DNA data is currently being collected from pangolins in Namibia to help identify smuggled pangolins and the extent of the international illegal trade.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Ietermago - DNS ingespan teen onwettige handel.

DNS-data van ietermago's in Namibië word tans ingesamel, wat sal help om smokkelroetes te identifiseer en die omvang van die internasionale onwettige handel in ietermagospesies vas te stel. Volgens die 2022- verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië is dit onbekend hoeveel ietermago's suksesvol uit Namibië gesmokkel is. Daarvolgens dui die huidige beskikbare inligting daarop dat die verhouding laag is, maar meer navorsing is nodig.

Sunday, 15 January 2023
Smit E 2023. Drie in hegtenis vir wildmisdaad.

Twee Angolese mans is Vrydag in die Orwetoveni-nedersetting in Otjiwarongo in hegtenis geneem, nadat hulle in besit van die vel van 'n ietermagô betrap is. Die waarde van die vel is N$50 000. In 'n onverwante voorval is 'n 31-jarige Namibiër Vrydag by die Buffalo-kontrolepunt in die Mukwe-kiesafdeling in die Kavango-Oostreek met twee olifanttande betrap.

Sunday, 15 January 2023
Smit E Just in: Three arrested for wildlife crimes.

Two Angolan men were arrested on Friday at the Orwetoveni township in Otjiwarongo for being in the possession of a pangolin skin valued at N$50 000. In a separate incident, a 31-year-old Namibian was arrested on Friday at Buffalo checkpoint in the Mukwe constituency (Kavango East region) for being in possession of two elephant tusks. The value thereof has not been determined.

Thursday, 24 November 2022
Smit E 2022. Seven arrested for old wildlife crime cases.

Seven suspects were arrested last week in connection with old wildlife crime cases. This is according to weekly wildlife crime statistics issued by the protected resource division and the intelligence and investigation unit within the safety and environment ministries. On 19 November, two Namibian men, Festus Amunyela and Mekondjo Tsillinus, were arrested at Oshivelo for conspiring to poach a rhino on 16 June. In another incident, Angolan national Ndango Nicolaus was arrested on 17 November in Rundu for being in possession of a pangolin on 4 August.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Smit E 2022. Meer bronne nodig teen stropery.

Kameras sal Etosha help polisieer. Die land se gewysigde oorkoepelende plan teen wildmisdade wil eenvormige benadering vir doeltreffende afdwing van wette verseker.

Cameras will help police Etosha. The country's amended overarching plan against wildlife crimes seeks to ensure a uniform approach to effective law enforcement.

Thursday, 21 April 2022
Smit E 2022. 38 000 suspects arrested in 2021.

Additionally, 770 suspects were arrested for wildlife crimes. Wildlife products confiscated included 108 elephant tusks, 117 pangolins and 59 rhino horns, while 42 unlicensed firearms used in the commission of wildlife crimes were seized.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Smit E 2021. 21 nabbed for wildlife crimes.

Seven new wildlife crime cases have been reported recently, while 21 suspects were arrested. Seven suspects were arrested with regards to rhino poaching or trafficking cases and six were arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking. At Oshikango, two Namibians and three Angolan nationals were arrested on 5 December for being in the possession of a pangolin skin. In another incident at Okakarara, five Namibians were arrested on 5 December for conspiring to hunt a rhino.

Thursday, 4 November 2021
Smit E 2021. 12 arrested for wildlife crimes.

Five men were arrested last week for conspiring to poach a rhino, while another was found guilty of illegal possession and dealing in python skins. He will have to cough up N$7 000 or spend 20 months behind bars. Meanwhile, three Namibians were arrested at Epukiro when they were found in possession of two live pangolins on 29 October. Tjovanga Kamburona, Tjarirove Kamburona and Nguvarua Tjombe were all charged for the illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Smit E 2021. 23 arrested for wildlife crimes.

According to the report, three Namibians were arrested on 15 October at Katima Mulilo for being in the possession of a live pangolin. Chika Ilukena, Mayuni and Nicky Mundia were charged with illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products. At Witvlei, three Namibians were arrested on 16 October when they were caught with an oryx carcass.

Friday, 22 October 2021
Smit E 2021. 20 wildlife products seized from 9 suspects.

According to the latest wildlife crime report, Petrus van Rensburg was arrested at Ariamsvlei on 9 October with 10 oryx carcasses. He was charged for the illegal hunting of huntable game. In another incident, Kaserandu Tjiumbua was arrested at Kamdesha on 10 October for poisoning four lions and two spotted hyenas. He was charged with illegal hunting of game and for administering poison. At Rundu, Dominikus Ndara was arrested on 11 October for being in the possession of a python skin. He was charged for the illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products.

Friday, 15 October 2021
Smit E 2021. Poaching, wildlife conflict connected.

The connections between poaching and human-wildlife conflict in conservancies are a significant local conservation concern. Meanwhile, poaching is compromising the ability of local communities to legally use natural resources to support local livelihoods, and reduces wildlife available for local economic development. This is according to the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Alka Bhatia. She was speaking at a signing ceremony of the 'integrated approach to proactive management of human-wildlife conflict and wildlife crime in hotspot landscapes in Namibia' project…

Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Smit E 2021. Cites must take action on illegal pangolin trade.

Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) can and must do more to address the dire impacts of the global illegal pangolin trade A new briefing document outlines the Environmental Investigation Agency's (EIA) findings and recommendations on key issues relating to global illegal pangolin trade. EIA says that following decades of overexploitation due to international trade, in 2016 all eight pangolin species were uplisted from Appendix II to Appendix I to Cites.

Friday, 24 September 2021
Smit E 2021. Three arrested for wildlife crimes.

In a separate case, another Namibian national Ignasius Mbaraka was arrested at Outjo on 17 September, also in connection with an old case for conspiring to hunt a rhino. The case dates back to June when a rhino carcass and a vehicle were confiscated. He has been charged with the illegal hunting of specially protected game and for conspiring to hunt specially protected game. He is also a Namibian. Meanwhile, Namibian Alberto Johannes Joel was arrested on 12 September in Otavi for being in the possession of a pangolin. The case was not reported last week.

Monday, 9 August 2021
Smit E 2021. 11 arrested with eight wildlife products.

At Okahandja, three Namibians were arrested on 24 July for illegally hunting a wildebeest. Festus Nyama, Staynley Bwendo and Phoster Manyando were charged for violating the Nature Conservation Ordinance Act. A hunting rifle was also confiscated. The case was not reported last week. In another incident at Kahenge, a Namibian was arrested with two python skins on 26 July. Hamutenya Mutjireni was charged with the illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products. At Rundu, two Namibians were arrested on 27 July for being in possession of a pangolin skin.

Thursday, 22 July 2021
Smit E 2021. 10 more arrested for wildlife crimes in July.

At Sangwali, a Namibian was arrested on 6 July for being in possession of one impala carcass. Oscar Munyandi was charged with illegal hunting of special protected species. In another matter, a Namibian, Simuna Kankona, was arrested on 12 July with two python skins, and charged for the illegal possession and dealing of controlled wildlife products. On 13 July, Mathews Hamusira, a Namibian citizen, was arrested at Rundu for being in possession of a pangolin skin.

Friday, 16 July 2021
Smit E 2021. Nege verdagtes weens wildmisdaad vasgetrek.

Op 20 Junie is 'n Namibiër op Rundu in hegtenis geneem toe 'n ietermagovel in sy besit gevind is. By die Etosha Nasionale Park se King Nehale-hek is twee Namibiërs op 21 Junie in hegtenis geneem omdat hulle onwettig in die besit van 'n elandkarkas was. In 'n ander voorval by Omahenene is 'n Angolese burger en 'n Namibiër op 22 Junie in hegtenis geneem toe hulle met 22 ietermagovelle betrap is terwyl daar op 'n handwapen sowel as vyf rondes ammunisie beslag gelê is. Intussen is nog 'n Namibiër op 24 Junie op Oshakati in hegtenis geneem nadat hy met drie olifanttande…

Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Smit E 2021. Nine arrested with 28 illegal wildlife products.

On 20 June, a Namibian was arrested at Rundu for being in the possession of a pangolin skin. At Etosha National Park's King Nehale gate, two Namibians were arrested on 21 June for illegally being in the possession of an eland carcass. In another incident at Omahenene, an Angolan national and a Namibian were arrested on 22 June with 22 pangolin skins, while a revolver pistol as well as five rounds of live ammunition were confiscated.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Smit E 2021. 39 court hearings on wildlife crime.

Out of the 39 court hearings on wildlife crimes during May, only two cases were finalised, with two suspects found guilty. At Katutura, 29-year-old Kavijenene Kaemui was found guilty for the illegal possession of a pangolin skin on 17 May and sentenced to a fine of N$10 000 (N$4 000 suspended) or 24 months in prison (12 months suspended). In another matter at Kamanjab, Josef Selvarius Karunga (38) was arrested on 28 September 2020 for the illegal possession of a python.

Thursday, 27 May 2021
Smit E 2021. Four nabbed with pangolin skins.

In the first incident at Rundu, a Namibian was arrested on 6 May for possession of a pangolin skin. Mukunga Leonard Mwamba was charged with illegal possession of and dealing in controlled wildlife products. At Kamanjab on 7 May, an Angolan national was arrested in possession of a pangolin skin. He was charged with contravening the Controlled Wildlife and Trade Act, illegal possession of and dealing in controlled wildlife products. Lastly, two Namibians were arrested at Oshakati on 14 May for being in possession of a pangolin skin.

Friday, 21 May 2021
Smit E 2021. Four nabbed with pangolin skins.

Within a period of two weeks there have been three wildlife crime cases recorded and four suspects have been arrested and charged. These cases were reported from 3 to 16 May, according to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the environment ministry and the protected resources unit within the safety and security ministry. In the first incident at Rundu, a Namibian was arrested on 6 May for possession of a pangolin skin. Mukunga Leonard Mwamba was charged with illegal possession of and dealing in controlled wildlife products.

Thursday, 22 April 2021
Smit E 2021. Eight arrested for wildlife crimes.

On 12 April, Haita Paulus Tjambiru was arrested at Orupembe in connection with an old case dating back to October 2015 in which a rhino was illegally hunted. He was charged with contravening the Nature Conservation Ordinance. In another incident at Ondangwa on 13 April, Phillipus Alfeus was arrested for being in possession of two python skins.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Smit E 2021. 110 pangolin scales confiscated at Outapi.

The police confiscated 110 pangolin scales when they arrested two men at Outapi on 7 March. The two Namibians, Nikodemus Kotekeni Hafeni Nicodemus and Simon Akwenye, were also found in the possession of one pangolin skin.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Smit E 2021. Six arrested for wildlife crimes.

Six suspects were arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and five new cases were registered recently, while five wildlife products were seized. Two suspects were arrested for rhino poaching or trafficking. Another suspect was arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking. This is according to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the ministry of environment and tourism and the protection resources division within the safety and security ministry. On 28 February, Muronga Hamutima was arrested at Rundu for being in possession of a pangolin skin…

Monday, 8 March 2021
Smit E 2021. 17 arrested for wildlife crimes last month.

A total of 17 suspects were arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and nine new cases were registered last month, while 21 wildlife products were seized. This is according to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the environment ministry and the protected resources division within the safety and security ministry. Wildlife products confiscated included three pangolin skins, two live pangolins, two elephant tusks, four elephant tusk pieces, two hippo teeth, five lechwe carcasses and a giraffe carcass.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Smit E 2021. Nearly 3 000 arrested for wildlife crimes since 2015.

According to statistics, 371 wildlife crime cases were finalised with convictions in court during the five-year period and 565 suspects were found guilty, while 63 suspects were acquitted on charges. A total of 2 950 suspects was arrested in the 1 326 wildlife crime cases reported in the past five years, of which 579 cases related to high-value species. This is according to wildlife crime summary statistics for the period 1 January 2015 until to 3 December 2020, provided in the revised National Strategy on Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement.

Friday, 5 February 2021
Smit E 2020. 654 arrested for wildlife crimes.

Despite more than 1 000 court hearings dealing with wildlife crimes taking place last year, environment minister said they continue to reverse the trends of poaching, with fewer cases recorded in the country.

Thursday, 3 December 2020
Smit E 2020. Four years for pangolin trafficking.

A suspected rhino poacher has been arrested at Grootfontein, while a Windhoek man has been sentenced to an effective four years in jail for selling pangolin skins or a N$40 000 fine.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Smit E 2020. Seven apprehended for wildlife crimes.

At Opuwo, two Namibians were arrested on 13 October for being in possession of a pangolin. At Grootfontein, a Namibian, Raimo Kakongo, was arrested on 11 October on a charge of conspiring to poach a rhino. The case dates back to August this year. He has been charged with contravening the Riotous Assemblies Act. At Opuwo, two Namibians were arrested on 13 October for being in possession of a pangolin. Uaninazo Muheke and Mavetumbuavi Mutambo were charged with contravening the Controlled Wildlife Products and Trade Act.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Smit E 2020. 363 arrested for wildlife crimes in 2019.

Pangolins are the most poached and trafficked animal species in Namibia, crime statistics show. A total of 174 wildlife crime cases involving high-value species were registered last year and more than 360 suspects were arrested. According to the 2019/2020 annual progress report of the environment ministry, 92 of these cases related to pangolin, 54 related to elephants, 32 related to rhinos and 17 to conspiracy to poach rhinos.

Thursday, 8 October 2020
Smit E 2020. 14 caught for wildlife crimes.

Fourteen suspects have been arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and seven new cases have been registered. Three of the suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or trafficking. According to the information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the environment and tourism ministry and the protected resources unit within the safety and security ministry, 11 illegal wildlife products were seized.

Thursday, 1 October 2020
Smit E 2020. Six arrested for wildlife crimes.

Six suspects have been arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and two new cases were registered last week. Three of the suspects were arrested for elephant poaching and one suspect was arrested for rhino poaching. According to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit in the environment ministry and the protected resources unit in the safety and security ministry, three illegal wildlife products were confiscated. At Mukwe in the Kavango East Region, three Namibians were arrested on 22 September for being in possession of two elephant tusks.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Smit E 2020. 155 wildlife products seized - At Okahao, a Namibian man was arrested on 31 August for being in possession of 142 pangolin scales.

More than 150 illegal wildlife products were seized last week and 10 suspects were arrested, while six new cases were registered. Five of the suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or trafficking cases.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Smit E 2020. Python skins seized.

Six suspects were arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and three new cases were opened recently, while seized products included python, leopard and pangolin skins.

Friday, 7 August 2020
Smit E 2020. Pangolin traffickers nabbed.

In the first cooperation between US law enforcement and the Namibian police, four suspected pangolin traffickers were recently arrested in Namibia. According to a statement by the US embassy in Namibia, time-sensitive information was received by the Homeland Security Investigations office in Pretoria relating to the imminent illegal sale of a live pangolin.

Thursday, 6 August 2020
Smit E 2020. N$5.5m for wildlife protection.

The Game Product Trust Fund (GPTF) has become increasingly important in protecting wildlife due to a lack of funding from government. The GPTF has committed funding of more than N$5.58 million to several activities in the environment and tourism sector during the 2018/19 financial year. This information is contained in the Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia 2018/19 annual report that has just been made public. "The GPTF's role has become more important than ever. It has stepped in and filled the void that has been left by a lack of funding from the government.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Smit E 2020. Eight arrested for wildlife crimes.

Eight suspects were arrested last week in connection with wildlife crimes. These suspects were arrested in three separate cases and a total of five illegal wildlife products were seized, which included a lion skin, three leopard skins and a live pangolin.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Smit E 2020. 13 arrested for wildlife crimes.

Thirteen suspects have been arrested for wildlife crimes and six new cases were opened within the past two weeks. A total of 19 illegal wildlife products were confiscated in these crimes, according to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the environment ministry and the protected resource division within the safety and security ministry. Five vehicles were also seized.

Monday, 27 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Securing a poaching scene.

Intelligence Support Against Poaching (ISAP) recently held a course on how to handle a poaching scene correctly. The animal crime scene and evidence handling course took place from 16 to 19 July, and was presented by Wildlife Vets Namibia. Participants included veterinarians, lodge managers, wildlife farmers, members of crime prevention forums, hunting farm owners, students and representatives of the tourism industry.

Friday, 24 July 2020
Smit E 2020. 10 arrested for wildlife crimes.

Ten suspects were arrested recently in connection with wildlife crimes and four new cases have been registered. Seven of the suspects were arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking cases, while another suspect was arrested in connection with a rhino poaching case.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Smit E 2020. 10 vas vir wildmisdaad.

Tien verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem in verband met wildmisdaad en vier nuwe sake is aanhangig gemaak. Sewe van die verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem vir olifantstropery of -handel, terwyl ’n ander verdagte gearresteer is in verband met renosterstropery.

Ten suspects have been arrested in connection with game crime and four new cases have been filed. Seven of the suspects were arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking, while another suspect was arrested in connection with rhino poaching.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Hefty fines for pangolin smuggling.

Two new cases of wildlife crime were reported last week and three suspects were arrested, while two men found guilty of the illegal possession of a live pangolin were fined N$20 000 or 48 months in prison. Four illegal wildlife products were also seized, which included one elephant tail and three live tortoises.

Friday, 10 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Anti-poaching dog unit given teeth.

Four new dogs will be imported from the Netherlands to beef up the environment ministry's anti-poaching dog unit, which has helped arrest suspects in 52 poaching cases so far. The four dogs at Waterberg are trained to search buildings, vehicles, luggage and open areas for firearms, ammunition and illegal wildlife products such as ivory, rhino horn, pangolin scales and bush meat.