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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 51 - 73 of 73
Friday, 5 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Ses vir sameswering van renosterstropery gevonnis.

Ses Namibiese mans is verlede Woensdag in die Okahandja-landdroshof vir die sameswering om 'n renoster te stroop en die oortreding van die wet op vuurwapens en ammunisie gevonnis.

Six Namibian men were sentenced on Wednesday in Okahandja Magistrate's Court for conspiring to poach a rhino and violating the firearms and ammunition law.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Renosterkarkasse word met sindikaat verbind.

Net voor die vermeende renosterstropers, pastoor Jackson Babi (30) en die 25-jarige mnr. Frizans Dumeni, gisteroggend in die Windhoek-landdroshof vir hul borgtogaansoek verskyn het, het 'n boer laat weet nóg twee witrenosterkarkasse is op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik gevind.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F, Steffen F 2020. Wilderern wird Kaution verweigert.

Prophet Babi und Mitbeschuldigte Teil eines größeren Wilderei-Syndikats. Kurz bevor der aufsehenerregende "Prophet Babi" und der mitbeschuldigte Dumeni dem Haftrichter vorgeführt werden, werden neue Wilderei-Fälle bekannt, in die Babi ebenfalls verstrickt sein soll. Die Kaution wird ihm verweigert und am Montag muss er wieder vor den Kadi.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Pastoor Babi steeds agter tralies.

Pastoor Jackson Babi (30) van die House of Joy Ministries en sy medebeskuldigde, mnr. Friza Dumeni (25), bly steeds agter tralies. Landdros Linus Samunzela het vanoggend tydens die twee beskuldigdes se vlugtige verskyning in die Windhoek-landdroshof hul saak in verband met renosterstropery, -horingsmokkelary en die onwettige besit van 'n vuurwapen en ammunisie tot Woensdag uitgestel. Hulle sal dan vir borgtog aansoek doen.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 'Only God can judge him'.

Preacher Babi stands accused of illegally being in possession of two rhino horns, a firearm and ammunition.

Friday, 29 May 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Vier 'renosterstropers' verskyn in camera.

Die oorblywende vier verdagtes sal vandag hul verskyning in howe op Gobabis en in Windhoek maak. Vier van die agt verdagtes wat vandeesweek in verband met renosterstropery en -horingsmokkelary vasgetrek is, het gister in camera in die streekshof op Otjiwarongo verskyn.

Four of the eight suspects arrested this week in connection with rhino poaching and hornet smuggling appeared in camera in the Otjiwarongo regional court on Thursday.

Thursday, 28 May 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 8 vas oor renosterstropery.

Agt vermeende renosterstropers en -horingsmokkelaars is oor twee dae vasgetrek. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is twee renosterkarkasse Dinsdag op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik ontdek.

Thursday, 9 April 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Stryd teen wildmisdaad in 2019 suksesvol.

Die ministeries van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme en veiligheid en sekuriteit het verlede week hul wildmisdaadverslag van 2019 uitgereik. Verlede jaar is 45 renosters gestroop teenoor 74 in 2018. In 2019 is ook meer verdagtes (112) in verband met renosterverwante misdaad as in 2018 (84) in hegtenis geneem. Die verslag is deur die Blue Rhino-taakspan onder leiding van komm. Barry de Klerk saamgestel. Operasie Blue Rhino is in Julie 2018 van stapel gestuur.

Monday, 6 April 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Nege renosters tot dusver in 2020 gestroop.

Twee vas met ammunisie. Nege renosters is tot dusver vanjaar gestroop en een olifant is vir sy ivoor afgemaai. Volgens die woordvoerder van die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme, mnr. Romeo Muyunda, is die meerderheid van dié renosters op private plase gestroop. Twee Namibiese mans wat na ­bewering 'n renoster probeer stroop het, is voorverlede Woensdag in hegtenis geneem.

Thursday, 26 March 2020
Tjitemisa K 2020. Conservancy reinforces security to curb poaching.

In its efforts to boost the much-needed security at the conservancy, N≠a Jaqna conservancy management committee member Lara Diez said they have added 12 new guards to help curb poaching that of late has seen a rapid increase at the park. "Poaching has become an ever-increasing problem and the new game guards will increase vigilance and monitoring in the conservancy. The delicate balance between wildlife management, licensed hunting and the community is disturbed greatly by poaching,” Diez said in a statement yesterday.

Thursday, 27 February 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Drie stroop glo renoster in Etosha:  'Ietermagôsmokkelaars' kry borg.

Vanaf 17 tot 23 Februarie is beslag op twee renosterhorings gelê. Drie vermeende renosterstropers in die Etosha Nasionale Park, mnre. Festus Simon, Johannes Valombola en Efraim Malakia, is op 18 Februarie by Okahao in hegtenis geneem. Volgens die polisie is twee renosterhorings, twee .303-jaggewere, 30 patrone en 'n voertuig gekonfiskeer. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Steynberg F 2019. Vier oor ivoor gevonnis: NDF-soldate vas oor horing.

Die Namibiërs Joseph Jacob en Bernhard Ndjamba Shipingana is verlede Maandag (18 Nov) op Rundu tot vier jaar tronkstraf of ’n boete van N$25 000 elk gevonnis. Hulle het twee olifanttande gesmokkel en beslag is gelê op die voertuig wat hulle tydens die misdaad gebruik het.

Monday, 23 September 2019
Steynberg F 2019. Geen borg vir vermeende horingdiewe.

Die eienaar van ’n wildsplaas op Outjo, waar 34 renosterhorings in Augustus uit ’n instapkluis gesteel is, is verheug twee verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Steynberg F 2019. Teenstropery: 280 polisielede veg saam - Twee karkasse van renosters op plaas ontdek.

Altesaam 280 polisielede van oraloor die land word in teenstropingseenhede op 'n driemaandelikse roteringsbasis in die Palmwagkonsessie en die Etosha en Bwabwata Nasionale Parke ontplooi. Só het die polisiehoof, lt.genl. Sebastian Ndeitunga, verlede week by 'n slypskool vir wildmisdaadwetgewing aan ondersoekbeamptes en aanklaers in die hoofstad gesê.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Suspected poacher arrested while using government vehicle.

A CIVIL servant in the employ of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture was arrested early on Wednesday morning after he attempted to flee from police who was tracking his movements because of his involvement in elephant poaching. The arrest of the education minister official follows an intricate undercover tracking operation launched by the Namibian Police and officials from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in the Zambezi Region. Zambezi Regional Crime Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Evans Simasiku told Informanté in an exclusive interview that the suspect…

Monday, 2 September 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Nine arrested for wildlife crimes.

NINE men were arrested over the past for the poaching of protected wildlife species. This is according to environment ministry spokesperson, Romeo Muyunda, who stated that the suspects form part of the three newly registered wildlife criminal cases. It is alleged that Gideon Gao-Naseb, Timotheus Kasera and Champion Haraseb killed a rhino at the Omateva farm in the Omitara constituency. They now face charges of hunting of specially protected species and the removal of protected products. The trio was arrested on 20 August and have been remanded in custody.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
Steynberg F, Springer M 2019. Farmer suffers millions loss .

The owner of a game farm in the Outjo district has suffered millions in the weekend after burglars stole 34 rhinoceros horns, cash of unknown value, jewels, cell phones and three weapons from a vault in his home.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Steynberg F 2019. 19 vas oor wildmisdaad.

Volgens statistieke wat deur die polisie-eenheid vir beskermde hulpbronne en die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme se eenheid vir intelligensie en ondersoeke vir wildmisdaad in Augustus saamgestel is, is twee verdagtes in verband met renosterstropery of -horingsmokkelary of pogings daartoe in hegtenis geneem. 

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Steynberg F 2019. 34 renosterhorings uit boer se kluis gesteel.

'n Boer (58) van 'n wildsplaas in die Outjo-distrik is die naweek van 34 renosterhorings, kontant in Amerikaanse en Nambiiese dollars, euros, rand, twee trouringe en drie vuurwapens ter waarde van sowat N$100 miljoen beroof.

Friday, 19 July 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Poacher gets N$18 000 bail.

A man, who stands accused of poaching two rhinos along with four other men on a private farm in the area of Kamanjab in December last year, was granted bail in the amount of N$18 000 this morning. Magistrate Immanuel Udjombala found that the 35-year-old George Nanyeni only role in the crime was that he transported his four co-accused, who actually slaughtered the rhinos, away from the crime scene.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Doctor freed on bail.

A medical doctor who was arrested for the illegal possession of elephant tusks has been granted bail in the amount of N$50 000 during a brief appearance in the Windhoek magistrate’s court. Dr. Thomas van Wyk handed himself over to the police after his friends informed the police that he had three tusks at his Auasblick home. The 44-year-old Van Wyk is employed as a medical doctor at the Namibia Oncology Centre in Windhoek. He has over 15 years of experience in a variety of medical fields.

Thursday, 6 December 2018
Kandovazu E 2018. Chinese smugglers want lesser sentence.

FOUR Chinese nationals serving a 14-year jail term have approached the high court this week to appeal the sentence as it was "too severe", according to their lawyers. Wang Hui, 43, Li Zhibing, 57, Pu Xuexin, 53 and Li Xiaoliang, 34 tried to smuggle 14 rhino horns and a leopard skin out of Namibia in 2014. How they managed to get through security detection machines at the Hosea Kutako International Airport is to date a mystery.

Steynberg F 2021. Drie mans vas oor ses olifanttande.

Drie mans is onlangs op twee verskillende plekke met ses olifanttande vasgetrek. Twee Angolese burgers, mnre. Abraham Mwetupunga en Velema Nghitila, is Sondag op Onandjmba glo met twee olifanttande in hegtenis geneem en 'n Namibiese man, mnr. Philips Kutenda Thikuma, glo met vier olifanttande op 6 Maart by Mukwe. Hulle is deel van die 14 wildmisdaadverdagtes wat volgens die wildmisdaadverslag van 6 tot 14 Maart in sewe wildmisdaadsake in hegtenis geneem is. By Kamanjab is vier Namibiese mans, mnre.