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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 138Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bachran H 1989. Ein kleiner Vogel als Baumeister. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 63-65
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Kleiner Vogel als Baumeister_1990.pdf 249.79 KB
Thomas G 1989. A "white-bellied" Mountain chat. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 59
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White bellied Mountain chat_1989.pdf 145.26 KB
Allan DG, Steele WK, Velasquez CR 1989. Lesser blackbacked gull at Etosha. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 58-59
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Lesser Blackbacked gull at Etosha_1989.pdf 145.26 KB
Williams AJ 1989. Kelp gull feeding capacity. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 57-58
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Cape gull feeding capacity_1989.pdf 237.86 KB
Komen J 1989. Distribution of greater swamp warblers in southern Africa. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 55-56
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Distribution Greater Samp warblers South Africa_1989.pdf 259.96 KB
Wittmer W 1989. Bestimmung für die südafrikanischen Arten. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 6 (4) 113-147
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Bestimmung fuer die suedafrikanischen Arten_1989.pdf 1.3 MB
Piper SE, Mundy PJ, Vernon CJ 1989. An ageing guide for the Cape Vulture. Madoqua 16 (2) 105-110
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An ageing guide for the Cape Vulture_1989.pdf 1.28 MB
Ferguson JWH 1989. Preferred habitat of White-browed Sparrow Weavers Plocepasser mahali. South African Journal of Zoology 24 (1) 1 - 10
Mendelsohn JM, Kemp AC, Biggs HC, Biggs R, Brown CJ 1989. Wing areas, wing loadings and wing spans of 66 species of African raptors. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 60 (1) 35 - 42
Giess W 1989. Einiges zu unserer Flechtenflora. Dinteria 20 30-32
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Dinteria_20_1989_3.pdf 489.54 KB
Zizka G 1989. Das isolierte Verkommen von Melinis ambigua Hackel in Namibia. Dinteria 21 3-7
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Dinteria 21_1991_1.pdf 518.4 KB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1989. Diatomeen als 'Fensteralgen' in der Namib-Wüste und anderen ariden Gebieten von SWA/Namibia. Dinteria 20 23-29
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Dinteria 20_1989_2.pdf 694.51 KB
Wessels DCJ 1989. Lichens of the Namib Desert, South West Africa/Namibia. I. The chasmoendolithic habitat. Dinteria 20 3-22
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Dinteria_20_1989_1.pdf 2.61 MB
Livingstone I 1989. Monitoring surface change on a Namib linear dune. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 14 (4) 317-332
O'Keefe SJD, Lavender R 1989. The plight of modern bushmen. The Lancet 334 (8657) 255-258
Koeberl C, Freoriksson K, Götzinger M, Reimold WU 1989. Anomalous quartz from the Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia: Evidence for post-impact hydrothermal activity?. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53 (8) 2116-2118
Evans AC, Joubert JJ 1989. Intestinal helminths of hospital patients in Kavango territory, Namibia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 (5) 681-683
Vogel JC 1989. Evidence of past climatic change in the Namib Desert. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 70 (4) 355-366
Berruti A, Adams NJ, Jackson S 1989. The Benguela ecosystem. Part VI. Seabirds. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 27 273 - 335
Bart J, Klosiewski SP 1989. Use of presence-absence to measure changes in avian density. Journal of Wildlife Management 53 (3) 847-852
Siegfried WR 1989. Preservation of species in southern African nature reserves. Biotic diversity in Southern Africa: Concepts and Conservation Huntley, B. J. 186 – 201
Nicolai J 1989. Brutparasitismus der Glanzwitwe (Vidua hpocherina). Journal für Ornitologie 130 (4) 423 - 434
Hines C 1989. The birds of north-eastern Namibia. Birding in Southern Africa 41 (3) 89 - 92

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