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Uhmann G 1985. Anthiciden aus Namibia (Coleoptera; Anthicidae). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 36 177-183
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Anthiciden aus Namibia_1985.pdf 1.92 MB
Cooper J 1985. New breeding locality data for Southern African seabirds. Cormorant 13 81
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New breeding locality data for Southern African seabirds.pdf 52.71 KB
Jacobi R 1985. Kurzmeldung für den Vogelatlas. Lanioturdus 20 (12) 5
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Kurzmeldung fuer den Vogelatlas_1985.pdf 236.99 KB
Stratmann H 1985. Mit den Zugvögeln nach Afrika. Lanioturdus 20 (12) 1-4
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Mit den Zugveogeln nach Afrika_1985.pdf 414.84 KB
Prinsloo GL 1985. Some chalcidoid parasitoids (Hymenoptera) from the central Namib Desert. Cimbebasia Series A 7 (7) 85-105
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Some chalcidoid parasitoids from the central Namib Desert.pdf 4.67 MB
Heine K 1985. Jungquartaere Klimaschwankungen auf der Suedhalbkugel. Zentralblatt der Geologie und Paläontologie 1 (11/12) 1751-1768
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Jungquartaere Klimaschwankungen auf der Suedhalbkugel.pdf 1.88 MB
Mouton P le FN, Mostert DP 1985. Description of a new species of Afroedura (Loveridge) (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from the south-western Cape. African Zoology 20 (4) 246-249
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Description of a new species of Afroedura.pdf 329.8 KB
Balfour DJ, Hegenberger W, Medlycott AS, Wilson KJ 1985. Kimberlites near Sikereti, north-eastern South West Africa/Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia 1 69-77
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Kimberlites_Near_Sikereti_North-Eastern_South_West_Africa_Namibia.pdf 526.83 KB
Martin H, Porada H, Walliser OH 1985. Mixtite deposits of the Damara sequence, Namibia, problems of interpretation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 51 (1-4) 159-196
Shaw P 1985. The Desiccation of Lake Ngami: An Historical Perspective. The Geographical Journal 151 (3) 318-326
Bullen J 1985. A garden in South West Africa. 131 14 - 15
Bartholomew GA, Lighton JRB, Louw GN 1985. Energetics of locomotion and patterns of respiration in tenebrionid beetles from the Namib Desert. Journal of Comparative Psychology B 155 (2) 155-162
Simmons R, Smith PC 1985. Do Northern Harriers (Circus cyaneus) choose nest sites adaptively?. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63 (3) 494-498
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Do Northern Harriers choose nest sites adaptively.pdf 635.83 KB
Watson I, Lemon RR 1985. Geomorphology of a Coastal Desert: The Namib, South West Africa/Namibia. Journal of Coastal Research 1 (4) 329 - 342
Weigend GG 1985. German Settlement Patterns in Namibia. Geographical Review 75 (2) 156 - 169
Singer R, Harrison GA, Weiner JS 1985. Serology and clines along the Okavango River, Namibia. Journal of Human Evolution 14 (4) 309 - 318
Brandl R, Utschick H, Schmidtke K 1985. Raptors and land-use systems in southern Africa. African Journal of Ecology 23 (1) 11 - 20
Hines CJH 1985. The birds of eastern Kavango, SWA/Namibia. Journal of the SWA Scientific Society 40/41 115 - 147
Campbell A 1985. Some Setswana names of woody plants. Botswana Notes and Records 17 117-129

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