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le Maitre DC, Versfeld DB, Chapman RA 2000. Impact of invading alien plants on surface water resources in South Africa: A preliminary assessment. Water Research Commission 26 (3) 397 - 408
O'Farrell PJ, Reyers B, le Maitre DC, Milton SJ, Egoh B, Maherry A, Colvin C, Atkinson D, de Lange W, Blignaut JN 2010. Multi-functional landscapes in semi arid environments: Implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology 25 1231 - 1246
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, van Wilgen BW, Richardson DM 2015. The impact of invasive alien Prosopis species (mesquite) on native plants in different environments in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany (97) 25-31
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, Pasiecznik NM, Richardson DM 2014. Prosopis: a global assessment of the biogeography, benefits, impacts and management of one of the world's worst woody invasive plant taxa. AoB Plants (6) plu027
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O'Farrell PJ, de Lange WJ, le Maitre DC, Reyers B, Blignaut JN, Milton SJ, Atkinson D, Egoh B, Maherry A, Colvin C, Cowling RM 2011. The possibilities and pitfalls presented by a pragmatic approach to ecosystemservice valuation in an arid biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Arid Environments 75 (6) 612-623
le Maitre DC, Richardson DM, Chapman RA 2004. Alien plant invasions in South Africa: driving forces and the human dimension. South African Journal of Science 100 (1-2) 103-112
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Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, Richardson DM 2015. Prosopis invasions in South Africa: Population structures and impacts on native tree population stability. Journal of Arid Environments 114
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Prosopis invasions in South Africa.pdf 2.12 MB
Rouget M, Richardson DM, Nel JL, le Maitre DC, Egoh B, Mgidi T 2004. Mapping the potential ranges of major plant invaders in South Africa, Lesothoand and Swaziland using climatic suitability. Diversity and Distributions 10 475-484
le Maitre DC, Gush MB, Dzikiti S 2015. Impacts of invading alien plant species on water flows at stand and catchment scales. AoB PLANTS 7
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