
Namib Desert

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Displaying results 301 - 350 of 1711 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Teller JT, Lancaster N 1986. History of sediments at Khommabes, central Namib Desert. Madoqua 14 (4) 409-420
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History of sediments at Khommabes.pdf 1.68 MB
Frost PGH, Siegfried WR, Cooper J 1976. Conservation of the Jackass Penguin (Spheniscus demersus (L)). Biological Conservation 9 79 - 99
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Conservation of the Jackass Penguin.pdf 1.81 MB
Barnard SL 1992. Die Topnaars van die Benede-Kuisebrivier in Namibie en Walvisbaai tot 1990. South African Journal of Cultural History 6 (3) 91-96
Dixon JEW, Blom MJ 1974. Some aquatic vertebrates from the Namib Desert, South West Africa. Madoqua 2 (3) 31-32
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Some aquatic vertebrates from the Namib Desert.pdf 134.36 KB
Haughton SH 1946. Geology of Richtersveld and Eastern Sperrgebiet - discussion. South Africa Journal of Geology 49 273-276
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Geology of Richtersveld and Eastern Sperrgebiet_discussion.pdf 1.55 MB
Sönge PG, de Villiers J 1946. Resume of the Geology of the Richtersveld and the Eastern Sperrgebiet. South Africa Journal of Geology 49 263-272
Schneider GIC, Walmsley B 2004. The Sperrgebiet Land Use Plan – An example of integrated Management of Natural Resources. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 13 23-32
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The Sperrgebiet Land Use Plan_2004.pdf 636.38 KB
Conway S 2013. Beyond Pine Cones: An Introduction to Gymnosperms. Arnoldia 70 (4) 1-13
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Beyond Pine Cones_An Introduction to Gymnosperms_2013.pdf 3.85 MB
Hasan MR, Crespi V 2011. Aquafeed production, species diversification and desert and arid land aquaculture development in Namibia. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 48 16-17
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FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 48 _December 2011.pdf 2.3 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1971. Proclamations, No. 82: Nature Conservation Ordinance 1967: Proclamation of Skeleton Coast Park. 892
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Gazette Skeleton Coast Park_1971.pdf 1.77 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2008. Government Notices, No. 275: Notice of declaration: Sperrgebiet National Park: Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1975. 3-4
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Gazette Sperrgebiet 2008_4174.pdf 299.6 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1990. Government Notice No. 14: Amendment of the boundaries of the Namib-Naukluft Park. 3
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Namib Naukluft Park_1990_1986_1979_1968.pdf 8.22 MB
Dixon JEW 1970. Miscellaneous notes on South West African birds. Madoqua 2 45 - 47
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Dixon_1970_Madoqua_2_birds.pdf 608.91 KB
Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG) 2012. Celebrating 50 Years of Namib Desert Research: Gobabeb, Namibia.
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Celebrating 50 Years of Namib Desert Research_2012.pdf 3.34 MB
Currie GJA 1974. S.A.O.S. Ornithological symposium in SWA. Bokmakierie 26 27 - 29
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Currie_1974_Bokmakierie_26_SAOS_symposium - did not find a URL.pdf 924.4 KB
Brown CJ 2005. High density of dusky sunbirds in ephemeral rivercourse in the Namib. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 4-6
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High density of Dusky Sunbirds_2005.pdf 216.34 KB
Burke A 2014. A little goes a long way - the unique southern Namib flora. 12-14
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Burke-ROAN News_Oct_2014.pdf 2.3 MB
Cooper J, Robertson HG, Shaughnessy PD 1980. Waders (Charadrii) and other coastal birds of the Diamond Coast and the islands off South West Africa. Madoqua 12 (1) 51 - 57
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Cooper_1980_Madoqua_12_1_waders.pdf 1.37 MB
van den Eynden V, Vernemmen P, van Damme P 1992. Ethnobotanical survey of the Namib desert: final report.
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Ethnobotanical survey of the Namib desert_1992.pdf 22.79 MB
Wetschnig W 1992. Zur Flora und Vegetation des Südlichen Afrika: Die Namib. Carinthia II 182./102 73-91
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Flora and vegetation of southern Africa The Namib.pdf 8.43 MB
Annegarn HJ, van Grieken RE, Sellschop JPF, Winchester JW 2001. Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert.
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Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert_2001.pdf 240.92 KB
Coetzee CG 1969. The distribution of mammals in the Namib Desert and adjoining inland escarpment. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 40 23-36
Crawford CS, Mackay WP, Cepeda-Pizarro JG 1993. Detritivores of the Chilean arid zone (27-32°S) and the Namib Desert: a preliminary comparison. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 66 283-289
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Detritivores of the Chilean arid zone and the Namib Desert.pdf 1.03 MB
Boyer DC 1988. Tree rats in the Namib dunes. Madoqua 15 (4) 341-342
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Tree rats in the Namib dunes.pdf 618.73 KB
Eifler D, Eifler M 2014. Escape tactics in the lizard Meroles cuneirostris. Amphibia-Reptilia 35 383-389
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Escape tactics in the lizard Meroles cuneirostris_2014.pdf 142.06 KB