rural management and planning

The activity or process of overseeing and preparing for the future physical arrangement and condition of any agricultural or pastoral area, which may involve protecting and developing natural and human resources that affect an area's economic vitality. (Source: RHW / NPH)

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Displaying results 601 - 650 of 1372 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Communal area conservancies in Namibia - A simple guide.
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Communal area conservancies in Namibia_A simple guide.pdf 11.24 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2004. Okavango River - The Flow of a Lifeline.
Mendelsohn J, van der Post C, Ramberg L, Murray-Hudson M, Wolski P, Mosepele K 2010. Okavango Delta - Floods of Life.
Sullivan S 2002. How sustainable is the communalising discourse of 'new' conservation? The masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling 'conservancies' of Namibia. Conservation and Mobile Indigenous people: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development 158-187
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2003. Sand and Water - A profile of the Kavango Region.
Angula HN, Stuart-Hill G, Ward D, Matongo G, Diggle RW, Naidoo R 2018. Local perceptions of trophy hunting on communal lands in Namibia. Biological Conservation (218) 26-31
Kaba A, Madan G, Geddeh R, Siakor S, Otto J, Knight R 2018. Community Guide: Getting a fair deal from companies and investors.
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SDI-Namati-community-guide-Fair-Deals-LR.pdf 4.41 MB
Gargallo E 2015. Conservation on contested lands: the case of Namibia's communal conservancies. Journal of Contemporary African Studies (33) 213-231
Kellert SR, Mehta JN, Ebbin SA, Lichtenfeld LL 2000. Community Natural Resource Management: Promise, Rhetoric, and Reality. Society and Natural Resources (13) 705-715
Moswete N, Lacey G 2015. "Women cannot lead": empowering women through cultural tourism in Botswana. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (23) 600-617
Medina-Muñoz DR, Medina-Muñoz RD, Gutiérrez-Pérez FJ 2016. The impacts of tourism on poverty alleviation: an integrated research framework. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (24) 270-298
Schnegg M 2018. Institutional multiplexity: social networks and community-based natural resource management. Sustainability Science (13) 1017–1030
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Institutional multiplexity.pdf 1.66 MB
Hoole AF 2009. Place-power-prognosis: Community-based conservation, partnerships, and ecotourism enterprises in Namibia. International Journal of the Commons (4) 78–99
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Place_power_prognosis_2009.pdf 170.14 KB
Turner RL 2004. Communities, conservation, and tourism-based development: Can community-based nature tourism live up to its promise?. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (7) 161-182
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Communities_conservation_and tourism_based development.pdf 773.32 KB
Shackleton S, Campbell B, Wollenberg E, Edmunds D 2002. Devolution and community-based natural resource management: Creating space for local people to participate and benefit. Natural Resources Perspectives (ODI) (76) 1-6
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76-devolution-community-based-natural-resource-management.pdf 93.61 KB
Felton S Making a killing, making a living.
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Making a killing making a living.pdf 58.91 KB
Roe D, Mulliken T, Milledge S, Mremi J, Mosha S, Grieg-Gran M 2002. Making a killing or making a living? Wildlife trade, trade controls and rural livelihoods. (6)
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Making a killing or making a living_2002.pdf 54.95 KB
Rogan MS, Lindsey PA, Tambling CJ, Golabek KA, Chase MJ, Collins K, McNutt JW 2017. Illegal bushmeat hunters compete with predators and threaten wild herbivore populations in a global tourism hotspot. Biological Conservation (210) 233-242
Fischer A, Weldesemaet YT, Czajkowski M, Tadie D, Hanley N 2015. Trophy hunters' willingness to pay for wildlife conservation and community benefits. Conservation Biology (29) 1111-1121
Hitchkock RK, Yellen JE, Gelburd DJ, Osborn AJ, Crowell AL 1996. Subsistence Hunting and Resource Management among the Ju/'Hoansi of Northwestern Botswana. African Study Monographs (17) 153-220
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Subsistence hunting and resource managment_Botswana.pdf 8.33 MB
Fitzherbert E, Caro T, Johnson PJ, MacDonald DW, Borgerhoff Mulder M 2014. From avengers to hunters: Leveraging collective action for the conservation of endangered lions. Biological Conservation (174) 84-92