The protection, development and efficient management of water resources for beneficial purposes. (Source: PARCOR)

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Displaying results 1 - 18 of 18 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mtuleni V, Henschel JR, Seely MK 1998. Evaluation of Fog-Harvesting Potential in Namibia.
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Evaluation of Fog_Harvesting Potential in Namibia_1998.pdf 183.32 KB
Turpie JK, Adams JB, Joubert A, Harrison TD, Colloty BM, Maree RC, Whitfield AK, Wooldridge TH, Lamberth SJ, Taljaard S, van Niekerk L 2002. Assessment of the conservation priority status of South African estuaries for use in management and water allocation. Water SA 28 (2) 191 - 206
Loveridge JP 1976. Strategies of Water Conservation in Southern African Frogs. Zoologica Africana (11) 319-333
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Strategies of Water Conservation in Southern African Frogs.pdf 915.23 KB
Chidley T, Beuster H, Howard G 2011. Irrigation GIS Database, Interactive Database and Irrigation Scenario Tools.
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Irrigation GIS Database.pdf 7.11 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Development (MAWRD) 2000. Legislative and regulatory frameworks: Theme Report: Namibia water resources management review. 1-28
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MAWRD_Legislative and Regulatory Framework_2000.pdf 12.59 MB
2010. Co-managed areas (Complexes).
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Complexes.kmz 982.87 KB
1926. The waters of the desert. Agricultural Journal of South Africa 17 (1) 677-681
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The waters of the desert.pdf 166.97 KB