
Environmental Law and Policy in Namibia - Towards Making Africa the Tree of Life. Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition 2013

Publication Year:

Underlying the research for this publication was the aim of compiling a legal textbook and a collection of and reflection on the most relevant national legal texts and international obligations pertaining to environmental law and policy in Namibia. During the past decades, environmental concerns have been growing in importance on the international agenda and with good reason. Mankind is part of nature and life depends on the uninterrupted functioning of natural systems, which ensure the supply of energy and nutrients. Humans are directly dependent on ecosystems and natural resources for their livelihood and other basic needs. Although the dependence of people on ecosystems is often more apparent in rural communities, where lives are directly affected by the availability or non-availability of resources such as water, food, medicinal plants and firewood, urban ecosystems also require adequate preservation and protection. In this context environmental law plays an essential role.

Ruppel OC, Ruppel-Schlichting K
Series Editor:
Ruppel, O.C.
Item Type:
Book or Magazine