vegetation cover

Number of plants growing on a certain area of land. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 751 - 800 of 1290 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Masamba C, Chanyenga T 1996. A brief outline of research for the management of Colphospermum mopane in Malawi. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 23-25
Getzin S, Wiegand K, Wiegand T, Yizhaq H, von Hardenberg J, Meron E 2015. Adopting a spatially explicit perspective to study the mysterious fairy circles of Namibia. Ecography (38) 1–11
Vogelsang R, Eichhorn B, Richter J 2002. Holocene human occupation and vegetation history in northern Namibia. Die Erde (133) 113-132
Rutherford MC, Mucina L, Powrie LW 2006. Biomes and bioregions of southern Africa. (19) 31-51
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Biomes and bioregions of southern Africa.pdf 3.44 MB
Namibia Statistics Agency 2013. Profile of Namibia.
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Profile of Namibia.pdf 6.51 MB
Mucina L, Adams JB, Knevel IC, Rutherford MC, Powrie LW, Bolton JJ, van der Merwe JH, Anderson RJ, Bornman TG, Le Roux A, Janssen JAM 2006. Coastal vegetation of South Africa. (19) 659-697
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Coastal vegetation of South Africa.pdf 32.15 MB
Hanke W, Böhner J, Dreber N, Jürgens N, Schmiedel U, Wesuls D, Dengler J 2014. The impact of livestock grazing on plant diversity: an analysis across dryland ecosystems and scales in southern Africa. Ecological Applications 24 (5) 1188–1203
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The impact of livestock grazing on plant diversity.pdf 1.28 MB
Wesuls D, Strohbach M, Horn A, Kos M, Zimmermann J, Hoffmann J, Geldenhuys C, Dreber N, Kellermann L, van Rooyen MW, Poschlod P 2010. Plant functional traits and types as a tool to analyse landuse impacts on vegetation. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 222–232
Yamashina C 2013. Variation in savanna vegetation on termite mounds in north-eastern Namibia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29 559-562
Rutherford MC, Panagos MD 1982. Seasonal woody plant shoot growth in Burkea africana - Ochna pulchra savanna. South African Journal of Botany 1 104-116
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159-176
Winschiers-Theophilus H, Fendler J, Stanley C, Joubert DF, Zimmermann I, Mukumbira S 2008. A bush encroachment decision support system's metamorphosis.
Siiskonen H 1996. Deforestation in the Owambo Region, north Namibia, since the 1850s. Environment and History 2 (3) 291-308
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Deforestation in the Owambo Region_north Namibia_ since the 1850s.pdf 189.97 KB
Hauwanga WN, McBenedict B, Strohbach BJ 2018. Trends of phanerophyte encroacher species along an aridity gradient on Kalahari sands, central Namibia. European Journal of Ecology 4 (2) 41-48
Stafford W, Birch C, Etter H, Blanchard R, Mudavanhu S, Angelstam P, Blignaut J, Ferreira L, Marais C 2017. The economics of landscape restoration: benefits of controlling bush encroachment and invasive plant species in South Africa and Namibia. Ecosystem Services 27 193–202
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The economics of landscape restoration_2017.pdf 724.63 KB
Naidoo R, Brennan A, Shapiro AC, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, du Preez P, Kilian JW, Stuart-Hill G, Taylor RD 2020. Mapping and assessing the impact of small-scale ephemeral water sources on wildlife in an African seasonal savannah. Ecological Applications In Press
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van Rensburg BJ, Hugo S, Levin N, Kark S 2013. Are environmental transitions more prone to biological invasions?. Diversity and Distributions 19 341–351
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Are environmental transitions moreprone to biological invasions.pdf 410.42 KB
Marion Meyer JJ, Meyer AC, Meyer NL 2020. Sand circles in stony landscapes of Namibia are caused by large Euphorbia shrubs. South African Journal of Botany 130 25-29
Grodek T, Morin E, Helman D, Lensky I, Dahan O, Seely M, Benito G, Enzel Y 2020. Eco-hydrology and geomorphology of the largest floods along the hyperarid Kuiseb River, Namibia. Journal of Hydrology 582