Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops with diameters greater than 0.5 millimeter. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 351 - 359 of 359 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Seymour CL, Simmons R, Joseph GS, Slingsby JA 2015. On Bird Functional Diversity: Species Richness and Functional Differentiation Show Contrasting Responses to Rainfall and Vegetation Structure in an Arid Landscape. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-015-9875-8
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On Bird Functional Diversity.pdf 806.6 KB
Helmschrot J, Muche G, Hillmann T, Josenhans K, Kanyanga J, Butale M, Nascimento D, Kruger S, Strohbach B, Seely M, Wassenaar T, Ribeiro C, de Clercq W, Kenabatho P, Schnegg M, Jürgens N 2017. SASSCAL WeatherNet – Regional climate observation for climate service provision in Southern Africa.
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Helmschrot et al Weathernet ICCS5 Poster.pdf 2.55 MB
Nieman WA 1978. A note on precipitation at Swakopmund. Madoqua 11 (1) 69-73
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A note on precipitation at Swakopmund_1978.pdf 455.34 KB
van Jaarsveld E 1994. The Namib caper, Capparis hereoensis. Veld and Flora 80 (4) 108
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The Namib caper_capparis hereoensis.pdf 139.6 KB