A substance which, when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, or when applied to, injected into, or developed within the body, in relatively small amounts, may cause injury, harm, or destruction to organs, tissue, or life. (Source: CONFER)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 63 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kolberg H 2017. Status assessment of Namibia's vultures. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 9-17
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Status assessment of Namibias vultures.pdf 1.52 MB
1973. "Dieldrin" is fatal to all living things. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 8 (11/12) 2
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Dieldrin fatal to all living things_1973.pdf 182.52 KB
Naidoo V, Wolter K, Espie I, Kotze A 2012. Lead toxicity: consequences and interventions in an intensively managed (Gyps coprotheres) vulture colony. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43 (3) 573-578
2015. Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar: Looking Toward the Future. Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar 2015 - "Looking Towards the Future"
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Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar 2014.pdf 402.11 KB
Weise FJ, Van Vuuren RJ, Echemet KE, Cleverley MP, Van Vuuren M 2013. Successful snakebite treatment in three juvenile African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) with polyvalent antivenom: A Namibian case report. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 84 (1)
Komen L 2005. Raptor awareness and poison-use, a perspective from NARREC. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 29-35
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Raptor awareness and poison_use_a perspective from NARREC.pdf 457.36 KB
Kenny D, Reading R, Maude G, Hancock P, Garbett B 2015. Blood lead levels in White-Backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) from Botswana, Africa. Vulture News 68 25-31
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Blood lead levels in White_Backed Vultures_Botswana_2015.pdf 314.82 KB
Verdoorn G, Komen L 2002. Counterpoint from the Poison Working Group. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 7-11
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Counterpoint from the Poison Working Group.pdf 301.3 KB
Friederich G, Friederich T 2001. Pesticide and wildlife poisoning training workshop. Lanioturdus 34 (1) 6-11
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Pesticide and wildlife poisoning training workshop.pdf 266.71 KB
Brown CJ, Komen L 2002. Poisons and birds in Namibia. Bird Numbers 11 (1) 25-27
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Poisons and birds_Namibia_CJ Brown and L Komen 2002.pdf 168.98 KB
Brown C, Bridgeford P, Kolberg H, Diekmann M, Middendorff G 2014. Protocol Vultures and poisoning, August 2013.
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Protocol_Vultures_Poisoning 2014.doc 889.5 KB
Elliott JE, Langelier KM, Mineau P, Wilson LK 1996. Poisoning of Bald Eagles and Red-Tailed Hawks by carbofuran and fensulfothion in the Fraser Delta of British-Columbia, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 32 (3) 486 - 491
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Poisoning of Bald Eagles and Red_Tailed Hawks.pdf 756.47 KB
Simmons RE 1996. Mass poisonings of Lappetfaced Vultures in Namibia. Journal of African Raptor Biology 10 3
Campbell A, Lamont G 1968. Gcwi Bushmen: Some notes on hunting with poisoned arrows. Botswana Notes and Records 1 95-96
Okoniewski JC, Novesky E 1993. Bird poisonings with cyclodienes in suburbia - links to historic use on turf. Journal of Wildlife Management 57 (3) 630 - 639
Sullivan S 1996. Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land. Journal of Biogeography (23) 1-5
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Sullivan_towards a non_equ ecol_J_Biog_1996.pdf 688.66 KB
Garbett R, Maude G, Hancock P, Kenny D, Reading R, Amar A 2018. Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus. Science of The Total Environment (630) 1654-1665
Gil-Sánchez JM, Molleda S, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Bautista J, Navas I, Godinho R, García-Fernández AJ, Moleón M 2018. From sport hunting to breeding success: Patterns of lead ammunition ingestion and its effects on an endangered raptor. Science of The Total Environment (613-614) 483-491
Chaboo CS, Hitchcock RK, Bradfield J, Wadley L 2019. Beetle and Plant Arrow Poisons of the San People of Southern Africa. In History of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Toxicology in Antiquity 11-71
van den Heever L, Elburg MA, Iaccheri L, Naidoo V, Ueckermann H, Bybee G, Smit‑Robinson HA, Whitecross MA, McKechnie AE 2022. Identifying the origin of lead poisoning in white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus) chicks at an important South African breeding colony: a stable lead isotope approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research