
The Formation and Progress of POWAG โ€“ (Poisoning Of Wildlife Action Group)

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During August 2013, a poisoning incident was reported in the Algemeine Zeitung on an Elephant, shot by ivory poachers in the Caprivi (Zambezi) Region, who laced the carcass with poison in order to kill vultures which would indicate the carcass to the authorities, thereby evading repercussions. In this incident which was found by the MET veterinarian co-incidentally and weeks after the event, an estimated 500-700 vultures were killed. This incident sparked a nationwide heated debate on the accuracy of elephant poaching cases reported by MET (Ministry of Environment and Tourism) in this region. More importantly, it also drew attention to the apparently cheap and uncontrolled availability of poisons and use/misuse thereof by poachers. Subsequently several similar cases were openly reported from neighbouring Botswana where vultures were also killed in vast numbers. Given the fact that Vultures travel incredible distances on a daily basis foraging for food and the vast numbers killed in single poisoning incidents, the possible extinction of the entire vulture population in this region and in the neighbouring countries became a reality and a matter of urgency. The frantic debate amongst birding circles and NGO's in Namibia began reaching fever-pitch, but unfortunately without any discernible cohesive and constructive direction towards a solution. I live with my wife Charlie, at Shamvura Camp which is situated in the adjoining Kavango Region close to this unfolding situation and it became frustrating to the point where Charlie and I decided to do something about it.

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POWAG Formation and progress.docx 17 KB