Grassland cover nearly one-fifth of the Earth's land surface. They include savannah, the prairies of North America, and the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. Grassland ecosystems support thousands of different species, above and below the ground, and have a vital part to play maintaining the ecological balance of the world. (Source: WRIGHT)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 86 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hines C, Mendelsohn J 1998. Whitebellied Korhaan in Namibia: A first record from the Andoni grasslands. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 19-21
Leggett K, Fennessy J, Schneider S 2004. A study of animal movement in the Hoanib River catchment, northwestern Namibia. African Zoology 39 (1) 1-11
Graz P 2008. The woody weed encroachment puzzle: gathering pieces. Ecohydrology 1 (4) 340-348
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Zimmermann J, Higgins SI, Grimm V, Hoffmann J, Linstäder A 2010. Grass mortality in semi-arid savanna: The role of fire, competition and self-shading. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 12 (2010) 1-8
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Grass mortality in Semi_arid savanna.pdf 267.58 KB
Jankowitz WJ, van Rooyen MW, Shaw D, Kaumba JS, van Rooyen N 2008. Mysterious circles in the Namib Desert. South African Journal of Botany 74 (2) 332-334
Huntley BJ 1982. Southern African Savannas. Ecology of Tropical Savannas 42 101-119
Higgins S, Bond WJ, Trollope WSW 2000. Fire, resprouting and variability: a recipe for grass-tree coexistence in savanna. Journal of Ecology 88 213-229
Ebner M, Miranda T, Roth-Nebelsick A 2011. Efficient fog harvesting by Stipagrostis sabulicola (Namib dune bushman grass). Journal of Arid Environments 75 (6) 524-531
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Efficient fog harvesting by Stipagrostis sabulicola.pdf 5.38 MB
Schlesinger WH, Reynolds JF, Cunningham GL, Huenneke LF, Jarrell WM, Virginia RA, Whitford WG 1990. Biological Feedbacks in Global Desertification. Science 247 (4946) 1043-1048
Krogh SN, Zeisset MS, Jackson E, Whitford WG 2002. Presence/absence of a keystone species as an indicator of rangeland health. Journal of Arid Environments 50 (3) 513-519
Albrecht CF, Joubert JJ, de Rycke PH 2001. Origin of the enigmatic, circular, barren patches ("Fairy Rings") of the pro-Namib. South African Journal of Science 97 23-27
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Origin of the enigmatic_circular_barren patches of the pro_Namib.pdf 513.21 KB
Becker T 2007. The phenomenon of Fairy Circles in Kaokoland (NW Namibia). Basic and Applied Dryland Research 1 (2) 121-137
Ward D, Ngairorue BT 2000. Are Namibia's grasslands desertifying?. Journal of Range Management 53 138 - 144
Blench R, Sommer F 1999. Understanding rangeland biodiversity.
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Understanding rangeland biodiversity.pdf 344.52 KB
Tarnita CE, Bonachela JA, Sheffer E, Guyton JA, Coverdale TC, Long RA, Pringle RM 2017. A theoretical foundation for multi-scale regular vegetation patterns. Nature 541 398-401
Hoetzel S, Dupont LM, Wefer G 2015. Miocene–Pliocene vegetation change in south-western Africa (ODP Site 1081, offshore Namibia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 423 102-108
Kopij G 2005. Diet of larks in South African grassland. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 76 (1-2) 82-84
Schneibel A, Stellmes M, Frantz D, Finckh M, Revermann R 2013. Cusseque - Earth Observation. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 55-57
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Revermann R, Maiato F, Gomes A, Lages F, Finckh M 2013. Cusseque - Vegetation. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 59-63
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