
Edible, starchy seeds of the grass family (Graminae) usable as food by man and his livestock. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 22 of 22 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Obilana AB 1998. Sorghum Improvement. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 4-17
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Sorhum improvement.pdf 623.47 KB
Monyo ES 1998. 15 Years of Pearl Millet Improvement in the SADC Region. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 17-33
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15 Years of Pearl Millet Improvement in the SADC region.pdf 700.1 KB
Heinrich GM 1998. Technology Exchange in Phase III of SMIP. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 53-63
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Technology Exchange in Phase III of SMIP.pdf 580.97 KB
Rohrbach DD, Mutiro K 1998. Sorghum and Pearl Millet Production, Trade, and Consumption in Southern Africa. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 33-41
Rohrbach DD 1998. Socioeconomics in SMIP: Research Highlights, Impacts, and Implications. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 41-53
Tsvetova MI, Belyaeva EV, Enaleeva NK 1998. Intensification of Tendency to Apomixis in Sorghum Autotetraploids. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 66-67
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Intensification of Tendency to Apomixis in Sorghum.pdf 438.25 KB
1998. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 39, 1998. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39
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International sorghum and millets newsletter 1998.pdf 2.86 MB
Devereux S, Naeraa T 1996. Drought and Survival in Rural Namibia. Journal of Southern African Studies 22 (3) 421-440
National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP) 2005. Namibia: Draft Seed Policy.
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Namibia_Draft Seed Policy.pdf 324.5 KB
Gröngröft A, Luther-Mosebach J, Landschreiber L, Kowalski B 2013. A method for yield assessment on rainfed dryland agricultural fields. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 279–286
Grönemeyer J, Berkelmann D, Mubyana-John T, Haiyambo D, Chimwamurombe P, Kasaona B, Hurek T, Reinhold-Hurek B 2013. A survey for plant-growth-promoting rhizo-bacteria and symbionts associated with crop plants in the Okavango region of Southern Africa. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 287–294
Schneibel A, Stellmes M, Revermann R, Finckh M Agricultural expansion during the post-civil war period in southern Angola based on bi-temporal Landsat data. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 311-319
Hirooka Y, Shoji K, Watanabe Y, Izumi Y, Awala SK, Iijima M 2019. Ridge formation with strip tillage alleviates excess moisture stress for drought-tolerant crops. Soil and Tillage Research 195
Corry V, Voigts M 2023. Conservation starts on a full stomach: Improving agricultural practices in communal conservancies. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia 38-41
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Improving agricultural practices in communal conservancies.pdf 686.63 KB
Kolberg H 1998. Variability in Namibian Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. Bicolor). Agricola 10 75 - 78
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Variability in Namibian Sorghum_1998.pdf 1.27 MB
Namibia Resource Consultants The Commercialisation of Mahangu.
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Piers Vigne on mahangu production.doc 616.5 KB