ecological adaptation

Change in an organism so that it is better able to survive or reproduce, thereby contributing to its fitness. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 125 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Naky KA, Knight MH 1994. Energy, water, and food use by springbok antelope (Antidorcas marsupialis) in the Kalahari Desert. Journal of Mammalogy 75 (4) 860-872
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Energy_water_and food use by springbok antelope_1994.pdf 6.57 MB
Ishida Y, Van Coeverden de Groot PJ, Leggett KEA, Putnam AS, Fox VE, Lai J, Boag PT, Georgiadis NJ, Roca AL 2016. Genetic connectivity across marginal habitats: the elephants of the Namib Desert. Ecology and Evolution 6 (17) 6189-6201
Jensen R 1972. Adaptation of birds to arid and semi-arid habitats in central S.W.A.. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 8 (3/4) 1-10
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Adaptation of birds to arid and semi arid habitats in SWA_1972.pdf 959.63 KB
Sossinka R 1973. Besonderheiten der hormonellen steuerung der Brutperiodik einiger Vogelgruppen arider lebensraeume. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 8 (9/10) 1-5
Maclean GL 1973. Arid zone adaptations in southern African birds. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (7/8) 4-5
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Arid zone adaptations in southern African birds_1973.pdf 252.47 KB
Chambers LE, Barnard P, Poloczanska ES, Hobday AJ, Keatley MR, Allsopp N, Underhill LG 2017. Southern Hemisphere biodiversity and global change: Data gaps and strategies. Austral Ecology
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Southern Hemisphere biodiversity and global change.pdf 565.93 KB
Lenssen J 2004. Adaptive behaviour of the Namaqua Sandgrouse. Lanioturdus 37 (1) 15-17
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Adaptive behaviour of the Namaqua Sandgrouse_2004.pdf 230.31 KB
Baines T 1972. The Welwitschia mirabilis (plant of Hykamkop), South West Africa. Excelsa 2 41-49
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The Welwitschia mirabilis_plant of Hykamkop_SWA.pdf 5.93 MB
Armstrong S 1991. How baboons survive in world's worst desert. New Scientist 2 (March 1991) 24
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How baboons survive in worlds worst desert.pdf 815.83 KB
Kok OB, van Wyk AJ 1982. Boomklimmende klipspringers in die Namibwoestyn. Madoqua 13 (1) 89-96
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Boomklimmende klipspringers in die Namibwoestyn_1982.pdf 1.25 MB
Brain C 1990. Spatial usage of a desert environment by baboons (Papio ursinus). Journal of Arid Environments 18 67-73
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Spatial usage of a desert environment by baboons_Papio ursinus.pdf 2.85 MB
Russel-Smith J, Monagle C, Jacobsohn M, Beatty RL, Bilbao B, Millan A, Vessuri H, Sanchez-Rose I 2013. Can savanna burning projects deliver measurable greenhouse emissions reductions and sustainable livelihood opportunities in fire-prone settings?. Climatic Change
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Climatic_Change_Springer Journal_Article_7Nov2013_Russel Smith.pdf 349.48 KB
Stringer LC, Dyer JC, Reed MS, Dougill AJ, Twyman C, Mkwambisi D 2009. Adaptations to climate change, drought and desertification: local insights to enhance policy in southern Africa. Environment: Science and Policy 12 (7) 748-765
Popp A, Domptail S, Blaum N, Jeltsch F 2009. Landuse experience does qualify for adaptation to climate change. Ecological Modelling 220 (5) 694-702
Seely M, Dirkx E, Hager C, Klintenberg P, Roberts C, von Oertzen D 2008. Advances in desertification and climate change research: are they accessible for application to enhance adaptive capacity?. Global and Planetary Change 64 (3-4) 236-243
Clousley-Thompson JL 1991. Avoidance of Environmental Extremes. Ecophysiology of Desert Arthropods and Reptiles 29-51
Fet V, Polis GA, Sissom WD 1998. Life in Sandy Deserts: The Scorpion Model. Journal of Arid Environments 39 (4) 609-622
Robinson MD, Barrows CW 2013. Namibian and North American sand-diving lizards. Journal of Arid Environments 93 116-125
Veiste M, Herppich WB, Willert DJ 2001. Variability of CAM in leaf-deciduous succulents from the Succulent Karoo (South Africa). Basic and Applied Ecology 2 (3) 283-288
Adger WN, Arnell NW, Tompkins EL 2005. Adapting to climate change: perspectives across scales. Global Environmental Change Part A 15 (2) 75-76