
A period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged so that the lack of water causes a serious hydrologic imbalance (such as crop damage, water supply shortage) in the affected area. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 158 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
von Maltzahn H 1973. Folgen der duerren in Suedwestafrika. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (5/6) 6-7
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Folgen der Duerren in SWA_1973.pdf 296.62 KB
Dean WRJ, Barnard P, Anderson MD 2009. When to stay, when to go: trade-offs for southern African arid-zone birds in times of drought. South Africa Journal of Science 105 24-28
Osborne TO 1998. Suspended breeding: Effects of the current drought in Etosha. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 17-19
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Suspended breeding_Effects of the current drought in Etosha.pdf 238.16 KB
Dausab R, Francis G, Jöhr G, Kambatuku JR, Molapo M, Shanyengana SE, Swartz S 1995. Water usage patterns in the Kuiseb catchment area (with emphasis on sustainable use) - 1993/1994.
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Water usage patterns in the Kuiseb catchment area_SPD2.pdf 1.66 MB
Campbell AC 1976. The 1960's drought in Botswana. 98-109
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The 1960s drought in Botswana.pdf 705.43 KB
Angula MN, Kaundjua MB 2016. 'The changing climate and human vulnerability in north-central Namibia'. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 8 (2) 7
Gaff DF, Giess W 1986. Drought resistance in water plants in rock pools of Southern Africa. Dinteria 18 17-36
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Dinteria_18_1986_2.pdf 1.92 MB
Gaff DF 1972. Drought resistance in Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Fil.. Dinteria 7 3-7
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Dinteria_7_1972_1.pdf 507.75 KB
Stringer LC, Dyer JC, Reed MS, Dougill AJ, Twyman C, Mkwambisi D 2009. Adaptations to climate change, drought and desertification: local insights to enhance policy in southern Africa. Environment: Science and Policy 12 (7) 748-765
van Heerden PDR, Swanepoel JW, Krüger GHJ 2007. Modulation of photosynthesis by drought in two desert scrub species exhibiting C3-mode CO2 assimilation. Environmental and Experimental Botany 61 (2) 124-136
Tsoar H 2013. Critical environments: sand dunes and climate change. Treatise on Geomorphology, 11: Aeolian Geomorphology 414-427
Seely M, Klintenberg P 2007. Can information circulation contribute to combating desertification?. AIDCCD – Active exchange of experience on indicators and development of perspectives in the context of UNCCD: Role of information circulation systems in scientific and practical approaches to combat desertification. Proceedings of the International Seminar 14-23
Kluge T, Liehr S, Lux A, Moser P, Niemann S, Umlauf N, Urban W 2008. IWRM concept for the Cuvelai Basin in northern Namibia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33 (1-2) 48-55
Devereux S, Naeraa T 1996. Drought and Survival in Rural Namibia. Journal of Southern African Studies 22 (3) 421-440
Hoogeveen JGM, Kinsey BH 2001. Land Reform, Growth and Equity: Emerging Evidence from Zimbabwe's Resettlement Programme - A Sequel. Journal of Southern African Studies 27 (1) 127-136
Twyman C, Dougill AJ, Sporton D, Thomas DSG 2001. A case of community self empowerment, Okonyoka, Eastern Namibia: environmental and policy implications. Review of African Political Economy 28 (87) 9-26
Ward D, Saltz D, Ngairorue BT 2004. Spatio-temporal rainfall variation and stock management in arid Namibia. Journal of Range Management 57 (2) 130 - 140
Alexander W 2007. Climate Change in Disarray - An African Perspective. Frontier Backgrounder 51 1 - 5
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Climate Change in Disarray_An African Perspective.pdf 349.1 KB
van Aarde R, de Beer Y, Guldemond R 2004. Elephants, drought and woody vegetation in Namibia's Etosha National Park. Transactions of the Royal Society of SA 59 (2) 123