community participation

Involvement in public or private actions, as members or as a member of a particular ethnic, political or social group, with the purpose of exerting influence. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 751 - 800 of 827 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Murinye S, Goredema L, Bond I 2006. Making financial training fun: the CAMPFIRE game. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 7 56-61
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Making financial training fun_ the CAMPFIRE game.pdf 165 KB
Davidson A, Mufati R, Ndjavera U 2006. Community-managed tourism small enterprises in Namibia. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 6 45-55
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Community-managed tourism small enterprises in Namibia.pdf 369.76 KB
Child B, Weaver C 2006. Marketing hunting and tourism joint ventures in community areas. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 5 37-44
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Marketing hunting and tourism joint ventures in community areas.pdf 150.27 KB
Goredema L, Bond I, Taylor R 2006. Building capacity for local-level management through participatory technology development. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 4 30-36
Child B 2006. Revenue distribution for empowerment and democratisation. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 3 20-29
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Revenue distribution for empowerment and democratisation.pdf 227.62 KB
Heydinger J, Tsaneb J CBNRM and the desert-adapted lions: Human-centered research methods contributing to conservation interventions in Kunene, Namibia. In prep for Bollig, M. and Anderson, D. (eds.) Conservation in Africa. Cambridge University Press (tbc).
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CBNRM and the Desert_Adapted Lions.pdf 852.63 KB
Heydinger J 2023. Community conservation of the desert-adapted lions in northwest Namibia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2023. Strategic plan 2023 - 2026.
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NACSO Strategy 2023_2026.pdf 6.9 MB
Hackenberg B, Hay C, Robertsen J, Mapitsa CB 2022. Namibian experiences establishing Community Fish Reserves. Land 11 (3) 420
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Namibian Experiences Establishing Community Fish Reserves.pdf 225.77 KB
Datla A, Schmeier S, Cuadrado-Quesada G, Mothobi R 2023. Echoes of the Okavango Delta - Does the voice of the people matter?. Water Alternatives 16 (3) 821-848
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Echoes of the Okavango Delta_Does the Voice of the People Matter.pdf 783.73 KB
Layne Coppock D, Crowley L, Durham SL, Groves D, Jamison JC, Karlan D, Norton BE, Douglas Ramsey R 2021. Cooperation of the commons: community-based rangeland mnagement in Namibia. (Working Paper 29469)
Layne Coppock D, Crowley L, Durham SL, Groves D, Jamison JC, Karlan D, Norton BE, Ramsey D 2022. Community-based rangeland management in Namibia improves resource governance but not environmental and economic outcomes. Communications Earth and Environment 3
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 1994. Land-Use Planning: Towards Sustainable Development.
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Land-Use_Planning_Towards_Sustainable_Developement_May_1994.pdf 2.15 MB
Lendelvo S, Jones B, Hazam J 2007. Membership models in Namibian Communal Conservancies.
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Membership_Models_in_Namibian_Coummunal_Conservacies.pdf 5.84 MB
National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP) 2004. Eco-regional satellite centres report No. 1.
Arntzen JW, Molokomme DL, Terry EM, Moleele N, Tshosa O, Mazambani C 2003. Final Report of the Review of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana.
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Final Report CBNRM Review.pdf 746.48 KB
Modiakgotla K, Sainsbury S 2003. Labour laws and Community Based Organisations in Botswana.
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CBNRM Support Programme paper 13.pdf 149.23 KB
Hancock P, Potts F 2002. A Guide to Starting a Tourism Enterprise in Botswana.
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CBNRM Support Programme paper 9.pdf 1.52 MB
van der Jagt CJ, Rozenmeijer N 2002. Practical guide to facilitating CBNRM in Botswana.
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Practical guide to facilitating CBNRM in Botswana_2002.pdf 226.07 KB
van der Jagt C, Gujadhur T, van Bussel F 2000. Community Benefits through Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) in Botswana.
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CBNRM Support Programme paper 2.pdf 93.69 KB